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Weighing of the Heart (Volume 1) Page 7

  I heard movement behind me but I kept my eyes on those little statues. I felt the heat from his body behind me.

  “Don’t hide from me, Thalia,” he whispered against my hair. I got little shivers from his breath against me. Very slowly, he took me by the waist and turned me towards him.

  “Having dreams or images are common. It happens to a lot of people. And I can’t say it doesn’t make me happy to know you’re dreaming of me. Maybe we were lovers in a past life.”

  I looked him in the eyes; he didn’t have a face of someone who was joking. “I’m glad you don’t think I am crazy,” I confessed.

  He kissed me gently. “I could never think you’re crazy.” I looked at the sincerity in his eyes and I knew he couldn’t. I wished I understood his intensity towards me, and as crazy as it was, I felt intense feelings towards him too. He smiled at me, as if he could tell what I am thinking.

  “Let’s go watch a movie and relax.” Then he let go of me and walked back over to put his shirt on. I could look at him all day. He looked so strong. His back was all muscle. He must work out like crazy. “I work out every day,” he confirmed.

  Oops. I didn’t mean to say that out loud.

  “I’m glad you like what you see, but if you keep looking at me like that I might say screw it and not let you leave the bedroom,” he said as his eyes darkened with that intense hunger for me in them. My insides quivered at the thought. God, how coul he turn me on this much just by talking? His arms stretched over his head as he pulled his shirt back on. Wow!

  My jaw was probably on the floor right now. He pulled the shirt over his head and his eyes met mine. A smirk grew on his lips and my jaw snapped back up.

  “Come on, you little siren.” He grabbed my hand and led me towards the living room. I felt little tingles of electricity coming from our joined hands. “I’ll pick the movie; you just relax.”

  He walked over to our movie collection, picked something and put it in. I tried to get a peek of what he picked but no such luck. I tucked my legs under myself and got comfy. He got everything all set up and joined me. This was nice, like we are together, like any normal couple. I smiled, which makes him look at me curiously.

  “What are you thinking that put such a beautiful smile on your face?” he asked. I just shook my head. He wrapped his strong hands around me and pulled me to him. Very slowly and tantalizingly, he kissed my lips.

  “Tell me,” he whispered against me. How could I refuse him when he asked me like that? Seriously?

  “I was thinking this was nice. It’s like what couples do.” He took a sharp intake of breath at my confession. I pulled back; maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. Damn mouth.

  “Uh, sorry, I don’t want to assume anything I know we aren’t and…” His lips on mine silenced me. His lips were like a drug and I was purely addicted. I relished this feeling.

  “I want that,” he groaned.

  I stilled. “What?” What did he mean? Does he want to be exclusive with me?

  “I want you to be mine. All mine.”

  I swooned. And really who swoons? Me, this girl. This girl right here swooned.

  I couldn’t help it but I wanted to be his too, I wanted all of him.

  “Yours,” I smiled. He kissed me and then I snuggled into him as the movie started. Once I saw what it was I laughed. “The Mummy 2!”

  I continued to laugh as he smirked.

  “I’ve felt like watching it since you brought it up,” he confessed. We settled into each other and enjoyed the movie. We both hysterically laughed when we saw the really ripped Anubis. It was funny. Although I had to admit that seeing Evie with her little visions was making me think of mine. Strange.

  I started yawning as soon as the movie ended. “Let’s get you to bed.” He stood up and offered his hand to me, which I took. That strange current continued to run between us.

  “You could um... stay if you want.” I shuffled my feet as I stood in front of him.

  “I’d like that.”

  “Okay. Let me go get ready and I will meet you in bed,” I told him. I needed to brush my teeth and pee like a mother... He smiled and then disappeared into my bedroom.

  I brushed my teeth and got a case of cold feet. Tristan, the ultimate man ,was in my room right now.

  Probably with less clothes on than when he went in. Would I sleep with him? Was he expecting sex? I put the lid down on the toilet and had a little mini anxiety attack.

  Okay, so we established that we wanted to belong to each other. So I guessed it was okay. I took a few more deep breaths, put my big girl panties on, and went to my room.

  He was lying on my bed. The covers were up to his pectoral muscles. Was he naked under there?

  “I was beginning to think you fell in the toilet,” he smirked.

  “I thought it was the pool, silly me,” I teased. I looked down. I was wearing a nice big shirt, and some sweat pants. I could wear this to bed, but I normally didn’t sleep with pants on.

  Okay. Be brave. I turned off the light and walked over to the bed. Before I slipped under the covers, I took my sweats off. I lied down and covered myself with the comforter.

  “Your decorations really do make me feel at home,” he said. I could feel that strange static connection between us

  “Glad you like it.”

  A hand gently grazed my cheek.

  “So beautiful.” I felt movement on the mattress. I rolled over to look at him in the moonlit. We were now face to face.

  “What does your tattoo mean? The one on your chest,” I blurted. I wanted to know earlier but got distracted. I didn’t know how to read hieroglyphics but I always found them interesting. I reached out to touch it. His skin was so warm, his muscles so hard. I felt a strange urge to kiss it. But I reframed and waited for his answer. He looked into my eyes.

  “It’s the name of a woman who stole my heart. A woman that has been lost to me for a very long time.”

  I felt a pang of jealousy and then a pang of sadness. Why was this woman lost to him? Did she not want him? Whoever she was, she was crazy. He had proven to be the sweetest, hottest man I knew. I decided to find my bravery again.

  I leaned over and kissed his tattoo. His hand came to the back of my head. He moaned in satisfaction. I felt like a goddess. I continued to press open mouth kisses to his chest. My tongue lavished his nipple. I moved my body closer to his; the hand that was on my head roamed down my body to my thigh then he pulled it over his, bringing us even closer. He was in just his boxers. Holy shit!

  I unashamedly pressed my hips into his. His hard, boxer clad length pressed into the spot I wanted most. We both groaned. He very lightly pulled my face up to his.

  Our mouths clashed in a mixture of tongue and teeth. I sucked on his bottom lip. We deepened our already intense kiss. I needed him. I was purely aching for him. I felt like he ignited something within me.

  “Tristan, I want you,” I told him. I couldn’t keep it in any longer. He growled and rolled over so that I was under him and he was cradled between my legs while still consuming my mouth. Seriously? How hot can you get? He was so hard as he pressed his hips into mine. I cried out from the pressure.

  He continued kissing my neck, shivers dancing across my skin as he touched me. I called out his name again. He pulled back so he could look at me and brought his body next to mine, instead of in it.

  “Not tonight, my beautiful Thalia. I won’t take you until you are completely mine. There will be no going back after that.” What the heck did that mean? I just stared up at him.

  “Don’t worry, sweet Thalia, I’ll take care of you.” His hand slowly started to trail south. Whatever I was thinking before flew out the window as his fingers trailed over my sex.

  “Are you okay with this?” he asked sincerely. I nodded. “Yes please.”

  His fingers slid past that blasphemous material and slowly slid a finger inside me. I almost shot off the bed. I was so unbelievably wet. My breathing was rapid and heavy. He brou
ght his lips back to mine as he continued with his very talented finger, leisurely stretching me, curving at the sweet spot.

  Then he added another finger. His thumb rubbing over my little bundle of nerves. I cried out into his mouth, which he took in. He growled back into me. He quickened his pace. I moaned into him like a whore in a church. God, the noises that were coming out of me. It had never been like this. Never. This was earth-shattering.

  “Come for me, beautiful,” he urged. His words threw me over the edge into the most amazing orgasm I had ever dreamed of.

  “Oh, Tristan!” I cried out as he continued to thrust his talented fingers into me. Gradually I came back down to earth.

  “I never knew it could be like that.” I confessed. He slowly pulled his fingers out and pulled me close to him.

  “Amazing,” he said.

  “Do you want me to take care of you?” I asked. I knew he had to of been aching.

  “I’m fine for now, but thank you,” he answered and kissed my head. “Go to sleep, beautiful.” I felt so wonderful as I fell into the dream world.

  Chapter 12

  I was back where the other one left off. My kalasiris gown flowed around my feet as I walked towards my father. The creases around his aged eyes had deepened.

  “Father, what troubles you?” I asked.

  He looked sad but smiled. “Come daughter, we don’t want to be late to the festival.” He raised his arm and I hooked mine on his. I wished he would tell me what was wrong, but I knew better than to ask. Thankfully, it was a short walk to the necropolis.

  They had exotic foods lining a long table. There were flowers everywhere. People were laughing and dancing. Alexander saw us from the other side of the room and strolled towards over.

  “Welcome, Stelios, and beautiful Thalia. I swear, you grow more beautiful with every sunrise.”

  I smiled. “Thank you.” He was a very nice and generous man, the very best Macedonia had to offer.

  “Stelios, might I have a word with you? Thalia, why don’t you go enjoy yourself in the festivities?

  I was being dismissed. But that was okay. Everyone did look like they were enjoying themselves and I wanted to participate. I nodded and walked off.

  “Drink?” I turned around to see one of my friends, Lyris, was holding out a chalice of wine for me; which I happily took and brought it to my lips. It tasted divine.

  “You look like Aphrodite herself, Thalia. No doubt every man in the room is dying for your attention.” She kept drinking her wine. I looked around the room and she was right. There were quite a few men who were staring at me. Ugh, dogs. Women did not want to be drooled at; they wanted love and to be cared for.

  “Dance with me,” I told her. She smiled and we placed our drinks on the table. We danced together while the musicians played their harps, and pipes. We laughed as we lifted our hands in the air. I had a few men come over and ask to dance with me, but I turned them down.

  “My lady, Alexander and your father would like to converse with you,” a handmaiden said to me.

  I nodded. “I wonder what they need to see me for,” I murmured.

  Lyris turned towards me. “Maybe they have found a suitor for you.” She shrugged. I hoped that wasn’t the case, I didn’t want to be handed off to some man. I wanted love.

  I walked over to the table where they were sitting.

  “Father, Alexander,” I said hello.

  “Thalia, please sit. Alexander and I have been having a very important discussion. It seems we have come to an agreement on a suitor for you,” my father confessed.

  I felt like the earth had shattered and the underworld had swallowed me whole. It couldn’t be true.

  “Don’t look so frightened, daughter. It is a blessed decision.”

  I felt sick. I could feel the water building around my eyes. “Excuse me, Father. I am feeling ill. I need to step outside.”

  I didn’t even wait for them to dismiss me. I left and hurried towards the balcony. I pushed the fabric curtains out of my way and fell to the ground in tears. I knew no one would find me out here, so I let myself sob hysterically.

  I didn’t want this. I was not some prize to be given to the best suited male, no matter how great of a warrior he was. With my face in my hands, I heard someone speak to me. I didn’t want to be found!

  “With such festivities going on, one would think you would be laughing instead of sobbing.” My head snapped up towards the stranger. My sobbing stopped.

  I had never seen a more beautiful man than the one before me. He wore a wrap-around white skirt,or shendyt, with an intricate black belt, coming together in the front. He had golden cuffs on his arms and wrists, and a golden neck piece across his upper chest and shoulders. His olive toned skin was flawless. Every muscle was on display.

  “Someone as beautiful as you must have an equally beautiful voice. Might I hear it?” he said to me. His voice was gentle, yet demanding. My gaze reached his face and I stopped breathing.

  He had a sharp chiseled jaw, with eyes grey like a storm, full kissable lips, and black-as-night hair framing his face. His eyes were looking at me curiously. I forgot that I hadn’t spoken to him. I was just on the ground staring. A lady of my position shouldn’t do that.

  “I apologize. I hope I didn’t disturb you from the festival,” I said to him.

  His head turned slightly to the side. “I was not disturbed at all; on the contrary, I find you a lot more amusing than anything inside. May I ask why you were crying, beautiful?” I blushed at him calling me beautiful, but sadly I kind of wanted this man to see me as more than just a beautiful face and body.

  “My father has found a suitor for me,” I confessed to him.

  I heard a growl come from his throat. He sat down next to me. “And you don’t approve of the gentleman?” he asked.

  I looked into his eyes. He was trying to understand me. I shook my head. “I don’t even know who he is. But I know I won’t be happy. I want love. I want more than to be some man’s prize of beauty.”

  I didn’t quite know why I was spilling my heart out to this stranger, but I felt a comfort from him.

  “You deserve every happiness in the world. I understand your tears, for I shall weep for you if you don’t find happiness.”

  I smiled. He was sweet to me. He smiled at my smile. “Your smile is invigorating. You should do it more often.”

  I continued to smile. “Who are you?” I asked him. “I haven’t seen you around. Are you visiting from a neighboring village?”

  He shook his head. “I am from here and there. No, you haven’t seen me around. But I have a feeling you will now,” he teased.

  I felt like I could be myself around him. “Thank you for conversing with me. You have lifted my spirits,” I told him. He stood and held his hands out to help me stand. I gently placed my hands in his so he could help me up.

  A spark flew through our touched hands. I felt drawn to him.

  “What is your name?” he asked. His head turned to the side again as he looked at our joined hands then back up to me. He must have felt the strange connection too. The corner of his lips turned up into a smile.

  “Thalia. My name is Thalia.”

  “Thalia.” My body warmed at the way he said my name. “I must go, Thalia, but you will see me again.”

  He let go of my hands and brought his hand up to my face to push back the hair that had come in front of my eye. My eyes closed at his touch. “You deserve happiness, enjoy your festival beautiful.” My eyes opened when he brought his hand back to his side and turned.

  “Wait!” He turned back around to me, curiosity dancing across his features. “What is your name?” I asked. I needed to know the name of this man. He smirked and then disappeared behind the curtain.

  I woke up from that dream feeling unsatisfied. I wanted to know the name of the man in my dream. He looked exactly like Tristan, but with no tattoo on his chest. Maybe Tristan had a twin. My body felt unusually hot. I tried to move but the
re were strong arms surrounding me. The scent of cinnamon surrounded me.

  Oh yeah. Tristan was in my bed. We had fallen asleep together after he gave me the world’s most earth shattering orgasm a girl could get. My back was to his chest, my butt pressed to his hips.

  “You were murmuring in your sleep. What were you dreaming?” he asked as he nuzzled into my neck. I went to speak and felt a little pain in my throat.

  Wait, now that I was really starting to wake up.


  I coughed. “Those little bastards got me sick!” I sat up and cursed.

  Tristan laughed behind me. I turned towards his beautifully amused face

  “It’s not funny, I feel the signs I am getting sick. I hate being sick.” I huffed. He just kept laughing. “Jerk.”

  I pushed his shoulder. As soon as his laughter died down, he repeated his earlier question about my dream.

  “I was back in ancient times like before; actually, it was like a continuation of the last dream. My dad in the dream found me a husband and I wasn’t happy about it. Then I met this guy, who looked identical to you except with no tattoo on his chest. He cheered me up. You don’t have a twin do you?” I asked without thinking. If he did, I didn’t think he would appreciate me dreaming about his brother. Yikes.

  He shook his head. “No, no twin. I’ve had this tattoo for a long time now.” I figured. He sat up beside me and kissed my shoulder. “You look so beautiful in the morning.”

  I flushed. I bet I had bad breath and everything. “Thanks, although you might want to stay a few feet away from me now that I am getting sick.” I warned.

  He shrugged. “I’ll take my chances. I don’t really ever get sick.”

  In that case. I leaned over and kissed him and then pulled back. “Want some breakfast? I can make us some pancakes or omelets.” I asked him.

  He chuckled. “Sure, surprise me.” Then he winked. Okay, then.

  I got up and put my sweats back on before heading out into the apartment. Leander was sitting on the couch in his boxers drinking some coffee and playing some video game.