Weighing of the Heart (Volume 1) Page 6
“I’m down. How about you, Thalia?” Orion asked. Him saying my name did nothing for me like the effect Tristan had on me when he said my name. That should have been a sign right there. I shrugged.
They both took it as a yes and got started. “Orion… Truth or Dare?” Lacey asked first. He winked and picked truth. Smart, starting off slow with truths and work your way up to dares. No telling what Lacey would ask.
“Do you have a big penis?”
Yeah… the beer I just had in my mouth was now all over the table. I just spit it all out as soon as she asked her question. Really? Who asks that?
“LACEY! OH MY GOD!” She just looked at me like what did I do?
Orion was just sitting there, looking stunned. Then he opened his mouth. “Wouldn’t you like to find out?” he winked at her. “Thalia, Truth or Dare” he asked.
I wasn’t ready to do a dare yet. “Truth.” I said. I hope that it wasn’t anything horribly embarrassing like Lacey’s question.
“Would you consider going on a date with me sometime?”
Oh God, it was worse. Couldn’t he have asked me when I lost my virginity or something? I didn’t know what to say. “Maybe.” There, I could do that. He just kept on smiling, happy it wasn’t a no.
“My turn!” I squealed.
“Lacey, truth or dare?”
She got all giddy. “Dare!”
Hmm… I looked around trying to figure out what I could make her do. “I dare you to……. Go write a sexy note on Leander’s mirror with your lipstick and leave your name on it!” Ha! I knew she had a little thing for Leander. At least this would maybe get the ball rolling between them too.
“Okay. I can do that.” She pulled lipstick out of her purse and strutted off into Leander’s room.
“That was an easy dare for her,” Orion said as he drank some more beer. I shrugged. It was, but I had an alternative motive so it was okay by me. She came walking back out with a smile on her face.
“He won’t be forgetting that anytime soon.” She was cute. She sat back in her seat and called next turn. “Thalia, Truth or Dare?”
I looked at her and narrowed my eyes. I didn’t know which to choose. I took a big gulp of my drink and answered. “Dare.”
She smirked. “I dare you to kiss Orion, just one quick kiss.”
My face probably looked like a tomato with how red I was. Orion was just looking around like he wasn’t sure what to say. I know he wouldn’t mind a kiss, but didn’t want to put me on the spot. I wasn’t going to cop out. Lacey was daring me. And not just because of the game. She wanted to see what I would do.
“Okay,” I accepted. If I was being honest with myself, I was curious. I was attracted to Orion and I wanted to see if his kiss had the same effect on me as Tristan’s. I needed to know. He looked at me like he didn’t believe what I said. I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. He responded immediately and kissed me back. It was nice…comfortable… normal. I pulled away.Well, I had my answer. Happiness showed through his eyes. Oh dear.
“Allright, kittens. I think I’m ready to call it a night. Orion,would you walk me out?” Lacy spoke up. I wanted to kiss her.
He just looked at me like I should stop him, but that wasn’t going to happen. “Okay. I’ll talk to you later, Thalia. Thanks for inviting me over.” He stood and walked Lacey out.
“See ya later, Thalia!” she called out as the door shut. I felt like a hot mess. I needed to talk to Tristan. I went over to my purse to text him
I know it’s late, but could you come over?
About 30 seconds later it beeped with his reply.
I’ll be there.
Thank you.
Chapter 10
Five minutes later there was a knock on my door. Wow, that was fast. I walked over to the door and was stunned for words when I opened it.
Tristan was standing there. He had on a sleeveless shirt that was drenched with sweat, his running short were hanging low on his hips. His ankles were showing over his running shoes.
Wow. I never thought ankles were hot, but damn.
I came back up to his face. Did he run here? His hair was spiky from working out. Oh God. Maybe having him looking like this wasn’t a good idea. It was a huge turn on for me to see him like this.
“I was on a run, happened to be close.” he said as he smirked at my obvious oogling of him.
“Oh, come in.” I told him as I turned around and walked towards the couch.
“Mind if I grab a water?” he asked. I nodded no at him. I was going to need cold water if I kept looking at the glisten of sweat on his defined arms. God, he looked strong. His olive color skin was glowing. While he drank the water I watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed. Why was that so hot? He finished the bottle of water in seconds, and then strode over to me. Okay, come on, Thalia. You asked him over here, just say everything you need to say.
“Is everything ok?” he asked as he sat down next to me on the couch. Okay, here goes.
“Yeah, thank you for coming over. I, uh wanted to talk to you about… us.” I got out. So far so good. He looked at me like he was interested in what all I had to say.
“It’s going to sound completely crazy, but I swear I feel like I’ve met you before. I feel this strange, familiar pull towards you. I can’t explain it right, but I need to know if something is maybe happening here, and if you feel it too.” I looked down and my hands. I didn’t want to see his face if he was going to show his true colors and become an asshole. I’ve been with enough of those.
He gently placed his fingers under my chin and brought my eyes to look at his.
“Don’t shy away from me. I always want to know what you are thinking. I can’t explain right now why the pull is there, but I do feel it. And for what else you asked, I would definitely say something is happening here. I’ve thought about you since I met you. But I don’t want to rush anything with you, as you are very precious.” His fingers grazed across my cheek and my lips.
I felt precious to him. He was looking at me like I was the very air he breathed. I wanted to run away from the intensity that was him. But I wanted him more. I leaned in, closed my eyes and pressed my lips to his. I needed his lips.
He let out a groan as he kissed me feverishly. I needed to be closer.
I crawled on top of his lap, my legs straddling his hips. He growled as his hands went to my hips, bringing me closer. His thick erection was pressed against my core. He wanted me as much as I wanted him. We consumed each other’s mouths like it was the best of feasts. His signature taste of cinnamon was driving me wild as his hands roamed over me. I gripped his shirt and brought us even closer.
My chest was pressed against his. “Thalia” he groaned. My hips started to move against him. My body craved his like crazy. Tingles were shooting all over me. I ran my hands along his bare arms, his muscles bulging from moving his hands along my body. I wanted him naked. Now!
Our breathing was very much labored. Little moans were escaping out of my throat as we devoured each other. His hips in rhythm with mine.
“OH GOD MY EYES!” I jumped back from Tristan, startled by the person who blurted about his eyes.
Thankfully Tristan caught me before I fell on my ass. I looked over as Tristan sat me next to him. Leander had his hands in front of his eyes like he was burned.
Ah! He really had the worst timing in the world! “Seriously!” I huffed.
“Hey! You should have put a tie on the door or something! I’m just going to grab a drink then I will be out of this room of sin!” he cringed. I shook my head. He thought this was a room of sin; his room was a wheel of women coming through his bed.
He grabbed a bottle of water and practically ran to his room. “Love you, dove,” he said as he closed the door.
He may be a cunt blocker but he was my best friend, and I loved him.
I looked at Tristan; I can’t believe he wasn’t running away from this scene.
“I shou
ld probably go, before things escalate again,” he said. I wanted things to get escalated again, but I knew things with Tristan were heating up quick. It would be better to try and take things a little slower. I nodded.
“Sounds good. Um.” I got stuck for words.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Thalia.” He leaned over and gave me a sweet kiss. Then stood up and walked towards the door.
“Goodnight, Thalia. Have sweet dreams.” Then he opened the door and walked out. I turned all of the lights off and got ready for bed. I hoped I had sweet dreams, maybe picking up where he and I left off.
The sun shining through my window curtains woke me. I didn’t dream last night. I felt very refreshed and revived. I got up and went to see Leander. He was still sleeping in his bed. I went back into the living room to get a head start and then ran and jumped on him in bed.
Sadly, he must have been awake and heard me because as soon as I was in the air over him he reached out, grabbed me and started tickling me.
I was laughing so hard. “Haven’t you learned by now you can’t sneak up on me, dove?” I managed to get out of his hold and sat up on the bottom of his bed.
“Sorry about last night,” I told him, I should have taken Tristan to my room or somewhere more private.
“It’s ok; you’re like my little sister. But I know you’ve got to get a little action here and there.” He winked at me.
I shoved him. “Thanks, I haven’t gotten more action than that though,” I confessed.
“Well, it looks like things are heating up quick between you two. You like him that much to… ya know?” I looked around and back at him.
“Yeah, I do,” I blushed. “It’s weird; I have this strange pull towards him. It’s hard to explain. I feel like I’ve known him before, but I haven’t. He is sweet, funny, caring, but he is a little intense sometimes,” I answered.
He looked at my quizzically. “Intense? How so?”
I took a deep breath and told him everything. My dreams, the strange images I got when I first kissed Tristan. All of it.
“I just can’t explain any of it. He acts as if I’m the very air he breathes, which is sweet and all, but I just met him. I don’t get how he can be like that. I’m not really sure I believe in love at first sight, you know?”
Leander just sat there, contemplating everything. Finally after a few minutes he spoke. “I think you deserve happiness, and even though he may seem intense, he is into you. It’s normal for guys who are into a chick to want to show them how awesome they are. They say that some people are intuitive and see things before they happen or maybe it’s like a past life thing; maybe that is an explanation for the dreams. Plus, when you are getting hot and heavy, it’s not unnatural to have images of what you want. I think you’re really into him, but you know, be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.” He was so honest.
I leaned over and hugged him. “I love you,” I told him.
He hugged me back. “I love you, dove.”
“Are you ever going to tell me why you call me dove?” I asked him.
He laughed. “One day.” We let each other go. I’m glad I told him about everything, even if it makes me feel a little crazy.
“Oh, yeah before I forget, I am going to Florida on Monday till Saturday for work. I can stay though, if you want me to.” He looked serious. I knew he would do anything for me. That was why he was the best friend in the world. He would be the perfect boyfriend too, if only we felt that way about each other.
“No, no. Go have fun, work on a tan. I’ll be fine,” I assured him.
We both got up and got ready for our day. After a quick cup of coffee and a banana, I made my way towards the museum.
As soon as I get to the main desk Lacey started talking about last night.
“Sorry I dared you to kiss him. I just kind of thought it might be good for you to give it a shot, although disappointment was all over your face after you kissed Orion. I’m sorry. I think I made it worse for him too, he is really into you. He could barely keep his eyes off you.”
I just shrugged. “It’s okay. I know you were just trying to do something nice for me. But maybe leave match making out of it.” I smiled at her. I couldn’t be mad at her. She was just too cute.
She smiled back. “All right, let’s go. I’ve got a long day of answering phones and handing out maps.” I put my purse away and stood, ready for my first group of tourists.
Chapter 11
Today was a long day. I had some kid that wanted to touch everything, a disgruntled husband, and a family of sick kids that sneezed and coughed on everyone!
As soon as I got home I went and took a shower, trying to wash the day and those kid’s germs off of me. Yuck!
After getting clean, I got comfortable in some sweats and made myself some dinner. Leander texted me to let me know he would be home late. I wondered what Tristan was doing now. I wanted to hear from him, I hadn’t since last night. I decided to text him; trouble was I didn’t know what to say. I stared at my phone. As soon as I came up with something to say, I got a notification. He texted me!
I can’t get you out of my head.
AH! I was screaming to myself. He was thinking of me too. I was so giddy. Gosh, I am pathetic. What to say?
I’m just that awesome. ;) Same here
You are amazing. I can’t wait to taste your lips again,
My body shivered at the thought. I liked that he told me what he wants. I really wanted to be lip locked with him too.
You definitely have a way with words. Now I can’t stop thinking about your sexy kisses.
I felt a little bit more brazen via text. I would like to think that I would be like this if he was here, but I was kind of intimidated around him.
A knock on my door interrupted me anxiously waiting for his response. As soon as I opened the door, I was swept into strong arms and kissed passionately. There was only one person who could make me feel like I could explode.
My toes curled, my blood boiled. I wrapped my arms around him to bring him closer. He backed us into the room and kicked the door closed. My lips parted just as his tongue entered and meshed with mine. He groaned into me, which only made me want him more. My body felt on fire, everywhere! His body was warm against mine; hard in all the places I’m soft. I wanted to explore him.
My hands roamed over his body. His arms were hard, and defined. His waist was slim; I bet he has the sexiest stomach in the world. Images of that sexy stomach hit me.
I wish that would stop. If his stomach looked as good in my head as it did in real life, I was going to explode. His hands wrapped around my thighs as he lifted me up to him. My legs automatically wrapped around his waist like a pro. He started moving us somewhere as we continue devouring each other’s mouths.
His knees hit something and then we were falling together onto a soft surface. My bed? My hands drifted to the bottom of his shirt. I needed to see him, I wanted to run my hands, and tongue all over him. To taste him. We pulled back to yank his shirt out of the way, and I finally saw him for the first time.
OH, MY GOD! He was magnificent. Wait?
My eyes narrow as I took in what looked like hieroglyphics on his chest right over his heart. The same markings that were in my head when we kissed for the first time.
Oh no. Actually, everything looked the way it has in my head. My eyes cringed close. My head starts pounding in pain. What was happening to me? “Thalia?” he asked, I felt the concern in his tone. “Thalia, what’s wrong? Are you ok?”
I couldn’t imagine what I must look like on the outside, but on the inside I felt like someone took a jackhammer to my brain.
Suddenly, I felt something cold against my head. A wash cloth? Was Tristan trying to soothe me? I wish I knew what was going on.
Slowly, after God knows how, long the pain subsided. As I came back to reality, I noticed I was cradled i
n strong, warm arms. I opened my eyes to see Tristan looking down at me helplessly. “I’m okay,” I said as I sat up.
I couldn’t take it anymore; I needed to tell him what was happening with me. Even if he ended up running out of the apartment screaming crazy. I turned towards him. He still wasn’t wearing a shirt. His chest was sculpted to perfection. It looked like he had skin-covered granite for abs. Every ripple was so defined even though he was sitting on my bed. I was instantly filled with the passionate need to ravish him.
NO! Focus, Thalia.
I brought my concentration back up to his face, which was still filled with concern.
“Thalia?” he asked.
“Tristan, I need to tell you something, and I don’t blame you if you run for the hills when I’m done but I just have to get it out.”
“Okay, as long as you aren’t a dude, I think I will be okay.” He winks trying to lighten up the mood.
“No, I’m not a dude.”
He faked a deep breath of relief. I shook my head. His lightening the mood was kind of working. Ok here goes.
“God, I can’t believe I am telling you this but here goes. I dreamed about you the night before we met. You were calling out to me. Then some owl flew out at me and you turned into a dog. I fell out of bed when I jumped back in the dream. I can’t explain any of this. And you aren’t running yet, so I’ll keep going.” His face was unreadable, so I did as I said and kept going.
“I keep having these weird dreams about ancient Egypt. It’s weird. Then when we first kissed. It was fantastic. But then all of a sudden, I had these strange images come into my head. You and me were doing the deed and you looked just like how you do now, with all the muscles and that tattoo. And I’ve never seen you before we met so it’s crazy right?” I looked down.
“I sound crazy. And I keep getting these bad headaches when I see these images. I wish I could explain this crazy pull towards you.” I stood up and walked towards my dresser with all my little statues. I couldn’t look him in the face. I didn’t want to see that he thought I was crazy.
“You can leave if you want. I understand. I barely know you,” I confessed, and as I said it, I felt little prickles in my eyes from tears forming. I knew I would be upset if he left, but I would understand.