How You Get The Girl (Theme Song Book 2) Read online

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  “You really can’t go again, can you?” I asked, feeling a little amazed that his dick hadn’t truly softened.

  “Told you there wasn’t anything I couldn’t do.” He smirked, looking every bit the cocky asshole that made me fall for him.

  Slowly I dragged myself up his cock and slammed back down, riding him, with the sway of the hammock helping me.

  His hands moved up and down my back, feeling my skin, driving my senses wild.

  My legs were burning from the workout, but it was so worth it. His mouth reached up and grabbed hold of my nipple, sucking and teasing. My head fell back with a hearty moan.

  I can’t believe I wasted time fighting this.

  The more he gripped me with his hands and mouth, the closer I got. My pace quickened, and I started to wiggle back and forth, over and over. Every movement rubbed my clit, and pressed his dick right where I needed it.

  Oh, cheese and crackers.

  “Oh, God, I’m gonna come.”

  Feeling like I needed the help, his hands went to my hips and moved me back and forth over him with extra pressure. Which I’ll be honest, and admit the orgasm that was coming my way was making me lose momentum, so his efforts were appreciated. It felt too good to keep going.

  “Keep riding my dick, Alessandra, fuck.I’m close. Look at me.” My head snapped back and my eyes met his, blue meeting blue.

  “So fucking beautiful.” I felt him expand inside me and then he let it all go, throwing me into orgasmic bliss along with him.

  I woke up the next morning feeling both gloriously sated and disgusting.

  Joel was trying to sneak out of the hammock we both fell asleep in, without waking me. Not sneaky enough this time, movie star.

  “I feel sticky. Like all over.” I was covered in ocean salt, sand, sweat, and Joel’s love juice. Yeah, I was in need of a serious shower. Stat.

  “Shower before breakfast?” He held his hand out to help me up, and I took it. He pulled a little extra hard, pulling me right into his body. It felt like a car hitting a wall.

  I was about to let him have it when he kissed me, then walked us to the large stone-tiled bathroom.

  Honest to God, I think I moaned when the salty tangles in my hair started to smooth out enough that I could run my fingers through it. The water was heavenly, and I was so happy to be clean again.

  “So.” I looked at Joel, and pumped some of his shampoo in my hand. He leaned down so I could run my fingers through his hair, paying extra attention to that little gray patch in the front.

  “Let’s just take one step at a time.”

  “Okay.” I would try. Joel was what I wanted, so I would make it work.

  “So tell me,Lips. Where did you get this scar?” He pointed to a mark on the side of my right breast.

  This was embarrassing.

  “Um, back when I was thirteen, I tried to beat the boys in my neighborhood at everything. Including jumping my bike over a ramp.” The memory came to me, clear as day. Me in my ripped jeans and Born to be Bad T-shirt, on my bike. I pedaled so fast, and thought I was going to make it.

  “I failed epically. My tire just went over the ramp straight down to the ground. I flew face-first towards the dirt, but the handlebar rammed right into my breast and scraped off the skin.” I didn’t cry, though. Nope, I walked myself back to my house with my bike and then screamed when my mom poured hydrogen peroxide on it. I couldn’t wear a bra for a whole month. It was unbearable to have anything touching the wound besides a shirt.

  “I can see it. Badass Alessandra, even at thirteen.” He smiled, and I pushed his head back into the spray to wash the shampoo out of his hair.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Today’s shoot was a fun one. I got to watch Joel pretend to drown in four feet of water, then face-plant into the sand before crawling to the shade of a palm tree. I got to add some fun prosthetics to his face to make it look like he had a busted eyebrow and a cut on his cheek.

  Kandi waggled her eyes at me once then popped her bubble and focused on the acting before us.

  When lunchtime came around, Joel was so hungry he didn’t even try to clean up before heading for the table of fresh fruits and sandwiches that had been set out under a pop-up tent.

  “So good,” he moaned and devoured one sandwich, with his eyes set on another.

  We were back in our normal flow of things, so why change habits now that we were sleeping together?

  I grabbed a carrot and saw the sandwich in his hand stalled on its way to his mouth. I acted like I was going to put on another bite show for him, but instead just ate the carrot normally.

  “Can’t fool me now; I know the truth.” He winked and walked over to his chair so I could touch up his fake blood.

  We worked like nothing was different, and when the day was over, we waited till everyone cleared out before heading back to the house.

  I needed to call Jenson to check on him, so as soon as we walked through the door I sat on the couch and pressed dial on his name.

  He was having fun, which made me happy, and helped me feel better about being away from him. I missed him so much.

  He launched into stories about what he and my parents had done since I left, and I told him about the house we were in, and today’s shoot. He yawned, and I told him to go ahead and get some rest. It was time for bed in Brazil.

  Once we were off the phone, I sat there feeling a little homesick for Jenson.

  “Wanting anything particular for dinner?” Joel asked from the kitchen.

  “Comfort food.” I was in the mood to just hang out and stuff my face with something to make me feel better about my boy being so far away. It was still another three and a half weeks before I’d see him again in person. I’d be okay. I knew that. But I still missed him.

  “All right.” He shut the fridge door and pulled out his phone to order us some pizza. I thought that was a good choice.

  “Wanna talk about it?” He came and sat next to me, pulling me in to rest on his chest. It was a nice place to snuggle so I went easily.

  “I just miss him. We’ve done this once before and he has a blast. It’s good for him to get to spend time with my family; I just hate being away from him for so long.”

  “Anything I can do?” He gave me a little hug and then started rubbing my back.

  “Nope, I’ll get over it in a little bit. Wanna watch a movie?”

  He smiled and grabbed the remote. Joel was obviously not just an actor but a movie fan as well. Movies truly were his passion, every part of them. Not that I would ever ask it of him anyway, but he would never be absolutely happy without the movie life.

  Last night we just both accepted that we were in love, and everything was just going to have to work out. Whether we stay secret, or let it all out of the bag, we wanted each other. Jenson was all for it, too, so I was thankful I didn’t have to deal with a child who hated the person I wanted. I would always choose my son.

  The pizza man showed up thirty minutes later, and we just chilled together, ate, and watched two movies. When it was time to settle in for the night, we climbed into bed and made out. No sex, just kissing. It was sweet, and I liked that. Sometimes love was this all-consuming power that drove people to forget who they are. We were us, Joel and Alessandra.

  He fell asleep first, and I just looked at him, memorizing every hair on his jaw, the straightness of his nose, the lips that were a darker pink from kissing me so much. His eyelashes were so long that I was slightly jealous. And that cute little gray patch. Something about it just drove me wild. He was right around thirty years old and just embraced it. I wish I could say the same. I was probably going to start coloring my hair as soon as the first gray hair showed up. Thankfully, it hadn’t happened yet, but with Jenson still heading into his teenage years, I knew I would end up with a bunch by the time he graduated.

  Sleep finally took me over peacefully. I dreamed of paradise, swimming with fish, Jenson telling me there was a sha
rk feeding frenzy going on, and Joel in the kitchen wearing nothing but an apron.

  “You’re dreaming of me. How cute.”

  “Nope, dreaming of Thor, and his mighty hammer.” I snuggled into his bare chest, knowing I wasn’t going to be staying there much longer. He would retaliate in some way for my comment.

  He rolled himself on top of me, his very own hard hammer lying on my belly.

  “Wench, thou shall not think of any man’s hammer but mine.” He pretended to talk like Thor, and it was cute.

  I opened my eyes and peered at the clock beside the bed.

  “We don’t have any time. Gotta get dressed and over to set.” I was disappointed that I wouldn’t get a morning orgasm to start the day.

  “We got this.” He smiled, then proceeded to prove me wrong on the time subject. We were sated, clothed, fed, and in the Jeep in twenty minutes. He was good. There was no denying that once he put his mind to something, Joel was unstoppable.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Our first week in Kauai was gone in a flash, and the second was close to being over too. Alessandra and I were in paradise, together. We worked, we came back to the house or explored, then we either cuddled up for the night or had fantastic sex. I liked how things with her were so easy. No fumbling around trying to figure out what you can and can’t do around them. We just fit together in a way I couldn’t have imagined.

  Filming was almost over, and I was excited as hell to see the finished product. The work wasn’t over for me. I would have to go back and do voiceovers, then start the promoting process. TV shows, guest appearances, interviews. Those few months before release day were going to be crazy.

  But I knew she’d be there. I’d have them both, Jenson and Alessandra, by my side, or waiting for me at home.

  Alessandra was out in the sand, soaking up the sun, while I was handling some things on my laptop. I had investments, endorsement deals, and charities I still had to take care of.

  She came bouncing back inside the house a few minutes later in just her bikini, looking sexy as hell. I’d come to know every curve, every scar, every part of her she thought was maybe a flaw but I found sexy. Her C-section scar? I licked it every chance I got. She had a baby cut out of her, and then had to take care of the kid while healing. If that wasn’t badass, I didn’t know what was.

  That scar on her breast? I kissed the shit out of it every time. Where she thought she had thicker thighs than some? Oh yeah, I paid attention to them.

  There was not one piece of her that I didn’t find attractive and want to worship.

  She grabbed a drink from the fridge and sat next to me.

  “Looking extra tan there, Lips.” She had really blossomed here, looking every bit the Brazilian she was. Mouth-watering.

  “Whatcha doing?” She ignored my first comment.

  “Scheduling a children’s visit dressed up as Stryder.” My comic book character. Another actor, who played in the film, and I liked to do this once a month, dress up and go to a children’s hospital and play it up. The kids loved it, and we felt like bringing a smile to their face would help them. Even just for a day, they could laugh and forget about the cards they had been dealt.

  “You big mush bunny.” She grinned, and I knew she liked it. I was a big old softy at heart.

  “You weren’t saying I was a big softy last night. Actually, I remember you saying how my cock was so hard that—” She smacked my arm before I could finish my sentence.

  “Yeah, yeah, shut your face.”

  I just smiled and went back to work.

  Then an email popped up from my publicist.

  I heard a gasp from beside me, and knew Alessandra was reading it along with me.

  We were outed. Paps caught us hanging out on set together and then hiking in the mountains yesterday. There were pictures of her applying makeup to my face, and then there was the one with packs on our backs, kissing by a waterfall. The shot was pretty clear, so there was no denying it.

  My publicist wanted to know what the deal was, and letting me know the best way to handle the situation in a positive light for me.

  Instead of reading over his lists of suggestions, I turned to Alessandra, needing to know how she felt right now. This was her fear, and it was happening.

  She wasn’t smiling, which worried me.

  “It’s okay,” she said, looking at me and nodding her head.

  “We knew it was going to happen at some point. I know Lisa won’t fire me with only one and a half weeks left. We can do this.” She was obviously very shaken,but she was putting on a brave face for me.

  “We can. It’s going to be fine.” I placed the laptop on the coffee table and pulled her into my lap. She was not doing okay, regardless of what she said.

  “Hey, I love you. Remember? They can’t touch us.” I looked her in the eyes and reminded her how serious we were. We could do it. We were both strong enough.

  “Right.” She was nervous, and I needed to find a way to ease her thoughts right now.

  “Come on, let’s go take a bath.” I lifted her up and walked her out to the hammock. She sat there while I got the outside bathtub ready. I had bubbles and bath bombs ready to go. I wasn’t much of a lotion man, so I took baths to ease my sore muscles and the bath bombs helped moisturize my skin. I much preferred it to lathering up every morning and evening like most people did. Two baths a week and I had sexy, smooth skin.

  When the bath was done, I helped her get out of her bikini—because I was a gentleman like that—then stripped down and joined her in the tub.

  I sat in the back, and she nestled herself against my chest. The bubbles surrounded us, and I could feel her body start to relax a little, but she was still tense.

  Using my thumbs, I started massaging the tops of her shoulders, hoping that would take her mind off the email.

  “I’ll be all right, Joel. It’s just going to take some getting used to. I’m not going anywhere.” She tilted her head up to look at me, and I kissed her nose.

  I believed her, but I still wanted to ease her mind at the moment.

  A grin appeared on my face when an idea struck my head. I didn’t know if it would work, but it couldn’t hurt trying.

  “Ever used one of these?” I reached over and grabbed a bath bomb. It was a large, pink one that fizzed, made up of all natural ingredients.

  “Yeah, but my bath is half this size, so it isn’t as nice to use.” She was thinking about something else, so that was a start.

  I set it in the tub, right between her legs. I knew the fizzing had reached her sensitive sex when she jumped in my arms.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just feel it, and feel me.” My hand grazed her body and joined the bubbles on her clit.

  She gasped, and I knew this was working out the way it did in my head. The bubbles would have an almost vibrator effect on her while I helped pull the orgasm out of her.

  “Oh boy.” She took a deep breath and let it happen. Once the bath bomb was done, I grabbed another, this one more powerful, and she let out a little whimper when I placed it closer, and pressed two fingers inside her.

  She was getting close, the combination of my fingers and the bubbles was working her over good. Giving her the extra push, I kissed her sweet neck and my other hand went to kneading her breasts. My cock was hard, and I wanted nothing more than to sink into her heat when she came.

  “Sit up,” I commanded, and she listened.

  “Grip the edge of the tub in front of you,” I growled, needing to be inside her now. She did as I said, and I adjusted myself so I was on my knees behind her. I grabbed another bath bomb, knowing I was probably overdoing it, and we were going to need a shower after this from how oily we were going to be, but I didn’t care.

  Placing it in the water beneath her cunt, I aimed my dick and thrust forward. She cried out a slew of curses, and I smacked her ass and pounded her with everything I had.

  Her knuckles were turn
ing white, she was gripping the tub so hard. I felt her pussy start to quiver and knew she was about to explode. Both my hands gripped onto her hip bones, and I pushed harder.

  She detonated, pulling me with her.

  My fingers dug in, and there were going to be some marks on her hips, but I would kiss the shit out of them every time I saw them, too.

  Every orgasm with her felt better than the first. When she finally came down, I had to catch her body so she wouldn’t fall into the water face first.

  I held her in my arms, knowing I gave her peace of mind, even if for a little bit.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Well, I was never going to be able to look at bath bombs the same ever again.

  Joel and I needed a shower after our bath, so we went straight from the tub to the bathroom and cleaned off all that bomb oil.

  I was still a little nervous about how things were going to be at work in the morning, but I was in love with Joel, and he was in love with me. So beyond that, I wouldn’t care what others thought.

  That was easier said than done.

  That morning, I had some women that had never talked to me on set, asking about Joel in bed. Others kept giving me glares of jealousy. And I even saw some guys trying to give Joel a high-five for nailing his makeup artist.

  I held my head up high, but I could see the tension in Joel’s eyes as some of the idiot men gave me the once-over.

  He was going to end up fighting someone if I didn’t do something. When Leighton called a break and pulled him aside to talk to him, I knew it wasn’t just me seeing his anger starting to rise. It was affecting his job.

  He walked over to his chair, and I wrapped my arms around him to give him comfort.

  “‘The Man,’ by Aloe Blacc.”

  He huffed, but I saw his face soften slightly at my attempt to calm him.

  “I’m fine, Joel. Ignore them; they aren’t in a relationship with you. I am.” I grabbed his jaw and made him look me in the eye. It was just us right now.