How You Get The Girl (Theme Song Book 2) Read online

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  She went to take a shower after our dinner was eaten, and I had to make a few phone calls. I would have rather joined her, but duty called.

  I sat in the hammock and listened to the waves lap against the sand.When she came out of the house to join me, we snuggled in the large hammock, both fell asleep in paradise.

  Juliet and her Romeo.

  Or maybe not. I’d prefer us both alive at the end of our story.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Wake up, Lips, you’ve got a busy day ahead of you,” Joel’s voice called out from somewhere inside the house.

  My eyes slowly opened, and I had to peek over a blanket that was covering half my face.

  At some point, Joel left the hammock we were lying in together, and covered me with a blanket so I wouldn’t get chilled. Instead of jumping out of the hammock, I tucked the blanket around my neck and simply listened to the waves. The gentle breeze moved the hammock back and forth in a sweet, rhythmic motion. How was I supposed to ever leave this spot?

  “Nice bed head.” Joel came walking out of the bungalow wearing just swim trunks, and I couldn’t help but gawk at him from my blanket cocoon.

  “Scoot over.” He sat two plates on the wooden porch rail before somehow finding room in the hammock with me. He reached over to grab the plates and sat one in my lap.

  “Pancakes.” The last time he made pancakes they were exquisite.

  “Banana pancakes.” He winked and cut into his own set of them on his plate. Just looking at them made my mouth water. My arms shot out of the blanket like daisies in the spring, and I took a bite of those sweet cakes.

  I moaned and complimented him on his cooking skills.

  As soon as I was finished, I snuggled myself in the blanket again and let out a nice sigh of contentment.

  “Don’t get too comfy. You have an appointment to keep.” He grabbed our plates and set them on the porch rail again.

  “What appointment?” I asked, as he gripped my arms and pulled me over to his side of the hammock. Luckily neither of us fell out.

  “A surprise appointment.” He waggled his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes in response.

  “I just wanna stay here all day,” I whined. I meant that in two ways: here at the beautiful house on the water, and with him. Yesterday was a victory in his battle agenda. It was beautiful, and a day I would never forget.

  Even though the need for sex was prominent after such a slow start to our relationship, we were enjoying each other’s company. I’d never been with someone with whom I could laugh and use my wit. Even when things were heated, there was still fun in the air. We could laugh, tease, and be intimate all in the same moment. It was something I’d never experienced before, and that’ showed me this was something different. Joel was trying to win my heart, and he was succeeding.

  It wasn’t long before he was kicking me out of the hammock and insisting that I get ready for my surprise. I was both excited and nervous as he drove us back to civilization, and then towards a fancy-looking resort.

  “You’ve had a taste of my pussy and now you’re dropping me off at a hotel?” I questioned him, and he laughed.

  “Yeah, it was so nasty I can’t have you around me anymore. We are over, Alessandra.” He helped me out of the Jeep and led me through the lobby of the extravagant hotel.

  “Okay, seriously, what are we doing here?” I was letting my impatience show.

  “This!” He gestured towards two big glass doors with opaque glass.

  “Ka Hoola Wai?” What does that mean?

  We opened the doors and a beautiful spa was revealed.

  “You’re getting a spa day. Figured you needed some pampering after all the traveling you did. Plus, I’m guessing it’s been a long time since you’ve done something like this.” He held his hand out for me and once I placed it in his much larger one, he kissed my knuckles, nuzzling my hand against his cheek.

  A spa day.

  I’d never had one. There was never time nor money.

  “All right, ladies, take care of my woman. Make sure you buff those devil horns on her head nice and good.” He gave me a quick kiss before I could bite him and then he left.

  I was then surrounded by women and escorted to a back room, where I was asked to undress and then wrapped up in one of the softest robes I had ever felt.

  Hours later, I had been massaged, had a facial and seaweed wrap, and gotten a mani-pedi. I was going to owe Joel a spectacular blowjob for this. Weakness was not something I liked showing, and I needed this more than he knew. I was so tired, and run down. Years of doing everything by myself had taken its toll on me mentally, and it was nice to officially let go and just enjoy myself, to do what I wanted without thinking about how it would affect my child, my job or my bank account.

  Joel met me at the curb when I texted him that I was all done and ready to be picked up.

  “Feeling relaxed?” he asked whenI hopped in the Jeep.

  “Yeah, except I still have this pain in my ass right now.”

  “Too much anal play? I told them to be gentle with the happy endings.” He always had something to come back with,something I really liked about him.

  “Yep, my ass is nice and open, ready for the threesome we are having tonight.” I did not let my mind wander where my mouth went. There was no way in hell I would ever let two dicks near me at the same time.

  “No can do, Lips. You and I are having a twosome tonight. Just your P and my D.”

  He drove us back to the house, and I told him I would make us some lunch, which was chicken quesadillas.

  I was pretty good with a skillet, but that was about it. Briefly, I thought about just eating fruit and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but he had been making extraordinary meals for me, so I could try for him. When he bit into them and moaned, I knew I’d done all right.

  “You ready to get back to work tomorrow?” I asked him, curious if he was ready for the hard work and long hours to continue. He nodded, but didn’t speak with his mouth full of food.

  “So far it seems like it’s going to be a really good movie. I might even have to go see it in the theater.” I took a bite of my food and mentally replayed what all had been filmed as of now. The movie was really going to kill it on screen.

  “You should come with me to the premiere.” He asked like it was no big deal, but it was. I was all for being with him now, but coming out to everyone? Still a pansy when it came to that.

  “I don’t know.” My stomach was starting to turn sour; we were having such a good time. I didn’t want to make him unhappy with my reservations about being out in the open with him.

  He set his food down and looked at me with his head tilted to the side. Those blue eyes were looking at me intently, trying to figure my thoughts out.

  “You don’t think you’ll be comfortable being seen with me by the premiere? A year away?” Shit, I did hurt his feelings.

  “I just don’t know. I really like being with you. You make me feel things I haven’t felt before, but it’s not just me, Joel. I have to take into consideration what your fame could do to Jenson. To our family. Things are just a little more complicated with you being who you are. Always in the paper, and on TV. And we don’t know where our relationship will be then.”

  It was the pure, honest truth. I could handle it all, but what happened when the papers constantly published lies about Joel and me? Or worse, even included Jenson? My stomach dropped, just thinking about that. It could cause issues with school, and our relationship. Fame always had a price.

  “I get it. But you don’t.” He looked like he’d bitten into a bitter apple, and abruptly stood, pushing his plate away. NO!

  “I’m going for a walk.” He walked out of the house without another word. I stared at the space on the porch where he had been before vanishing from my sight. I fucked up. He’d done all these sweet things for me and had been treating me like his princess, and I screwed it up with my mouth.

ut what I felt was legitimate. My concerns were real, and I couldn’t just blink them away. There was a reason that so many couples in the movie business never lasted, and the kids were usually the first to suffer from it. Always in the public eye, and scrutinized.

  I pushed my plate away from me and buried my head in my hands. Tears assaulted my eyes, and I felt like such a horrible person. We were complicated. But I wanted Joel. No, I needed Joel. He was becoming such an important part of my life, and I wasn’t willing to let him go. I knew it was wrong of me to keep yo-yoing him around, but I just wanted my cake and to eat it, too.

  But sooner or later, I was going to have to choose.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “With you being who you are.”

  I churned those words over in my head for the rest of the day. A part of me felt bad that I had left her until the sun had met the sea, but I just hadn’t been ready to go back yet.

  I’d been thinking of the long-term game with Alessandra. Hell, I’d even thought the same sentence it in my own head before, but I didn’t take into account all she said. I knew she didn’t want to be in the limelight. Sometimes I didn’t either, but I thought with some time that she would just ignore it, and everything would be fine.

  Her having a family changed things in a way I hadn’t considered. I’d seen firsthand how ugly things got for families that were in the movie business. Friends and coworkers of mine had their life destroyed because it was just too hard; it hurt their spouse and their kids.

  It was selfish of me to ask that of her. But I wanted her too badly to walk away. The thought made me want to fall to my knees, all of my body being weighed down by the fear of losing what we had gained and what I knew we could have.

  Jenson was a cool kid, and he deserved the best in life. I wanted to give it to him. Shit, I wanted his mom so much that I wanted him, too. I wanted them both.

  But how much was too much for them to sacrifice for love? For me?

  I was head over heels, madly in love with Alessandra.

  I didn’t need months to figure it out.I was falling before we had gotten to this point, and the past twenty-four hours solidified it. She was my woman, through and through.

  Which made my head hurt, thinking about what to do. Keep everything a secret and hope shit didn’t blow up in our faces?

  Let her go?

  There didn’t seem to be any other options in my head, but there had to be, right?

  I finally made it back to the house when the moon was high, and I knew I’d have some groveling to do after leaving her like that and not coming back till late. But I would do what I had to.

  She was mine, and I’d go to the end of the universe for her.

  We were like Lana and Luc from the film. I was literally fighting tooth and nail to reach her, and all I needed was her love to free me. I’d wait forever if I had to, but she was the only one for me.

  I walked in the house, my whole body tense, ready for a fight. But she didn’t come at me.

  She wasn’t in any of the rooms, and a sinking feeling in my gut led me to believe she’d left. My hands threw the closet doors apart so fast I thought they might have broken. As soon as I saw her clothes were still there, I sagged against the wall in relief. She was still here.

  Maybe she was on the back side of the porch? With haste I checked, and she wasn’t there. Panic started settling in again, that something had happened to her, but then I saw a lone figure out in the moonlit water.

  My goddess of the sea.

  Not even thinking twice, I ripped my shirt over my head and took my shoes off.

  My feet carried me to her like we were magnets feeling the pull. The water was warm as it crashed against me, my eyes never leaving the girl sitting on a board facing the full moon.

  I swam over to her, and even though I could still touch the bottom, I needed to get to her now.

  She must have heard me coming because she turned the board around to watch me approach.

  Silhouetted by the moon, she looked like an angel. She was so beautiful. I didn’t feel like I deserved her.

  My hand touched the board to help me tread water, and I tried to find the words to explain myself. They just wouldn’t come. Her black hair was down, and her tanned skin shimmered in the light.

  “I’m sorry. I promise I will never walk away like that again. I’ve never done this, and I wasn’t thinking about anything other than just us being together. Including the repercussions. I swear to you, Alessandra, I will do whatever it takes for us to be together. I see my future in your eyes; I always have.”

  There was nothing but the silence of the night between us, and I was hoping that she was going to dive right in with me, following my lead.

  “Talk to me.”

  “Please,” I begged, needing to hear her thoughts. She could end this right now, and I had to hear it from her lips if that was what she wanted.

  “‘Can’t Help Falling in Love,’ Elvis Presley.” Her voice was low but clear as could be to my ears.

  She was falling in love with me.

  Without letting another second pass, I lifted myself up onto her board. She wasn’t prepared for my intentions but held on and helped balance us as I situated myself. My hands sought the back of her neck and pulled her lips to mine.

  “I’ve already been there; I never stood a chance. Never even thought to fight it.”

  We let our body do the rest of the talking, there were no other words needed. We lavished each other with passionate kisses. With an amazing amount of balance and core strength, she eased herself on her back and took me with her.

  I’d never had sex on a surfboard, but I had a feeling we were about to test it out. At least she had grabbed the long board, which was longer and bigger, and more stable.

  My body covered hers, while I held myself up by my elbows. Her legs came out of the water and wrapped themselves around my waist.

  We moved together as if we were making love on the board, but there was no way in hell we could truly make it work. Feeling the desire to claim her wrapped around my chest, I rolled us into the water, making sure she stayed above the surface.

  “Hold onto the board.” My feet touched the sand and my hands gripped her hips, bringing her close to me. Those legs stayed around my waist, where they belonged. She did as I asked, and her arms stretched across the board for balance.

  With her body supported by the weightlessness of the water and the board, my fingers drifted to the back of her neck. Untying the little knot, the straps gaveway for her breasts to be exposed in the moonlight.

  “Stunning.” I leaned down and gave each one a hot kiss, my tongue lingering on her tight budded nipples.

  She gasped and wiggled against my cock.

  “I know, love, I need you too. So bad.” The last two words were strained. With some effort I managed to loosen my trunks, then moved on to her bikini bottom. The little strings on the side made it easy to give us the access we required.

  “Say it, Alessandra.”

  She looked me in the eyes, and with that sexy glint holding me hostage, she gave me the words I wanted.

  “I’m yours, Joel. Now please put your D in my P,” she said with a smile, and that was all it took.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I was full in a matter of seconds after I gave him what I knew he wanted to hear.

  We groaned in unison, both of us overwhelmed by the sensation of him filling me to the hilt.

  “Oh, God, Joel. Move.” It was a matter of life or death.

  “Whatever my girl wants. Jesus Christ, you’re gripping the shit out of me.” He breathed in and out, and pulled out then pumped back in. Yes! I knew we wouldn’t have much more time in the water when it came to lubrication, even though I was soaked, the ocean would wash away all evidence of that. But he was getting me there, God was he getting me there.

  His fingers dug into my ass as he lifted me up and slammed me down on his cock. All
I could do was grip the board for dear life.

  “So perfect,” he groaned, and then his lips sought out mine. Without thinking, I abandoned the board and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my nails digging in deep.

  He hissed from the pain, but it only made him fuck me harder, hitting just the spot I needed.

  “Oh, please keep going, right there. Ah! Oh!” I was about to lose it. The water was just as restless around us as he nailed into me.

  His teeth nipped at my opened lips.

  “Come for me,” he growled and moved his head from my lips to my neck, burying himself in there, kissing me, biting the sensitive skin.

  “Oh, fuck!” I groaned. My eyes found the moon above me, and I felt like I was there, floating with stars.

  Joel pushed harder and chased down his own release. His groan of pure ecstasy made me shudder, feeling like another orgasm was on the horizon.

  “Alessandra,” he moaned, and I grabbed his head, pulling his lips back to mine, needing to breath in his moans, filling my lungs with his pleasure.

  He stood there, holding me in his arms, my board pulling against the tether to my ankle. His silence began to concern me.

  “You okay?”

  “Never letting you go, Lips.”

  I curled my body into his, feeling safe, and knew he would treat me with care in every way I needed him to.

  Despite the change in weight, he walked us out of the water, his cock still inside me. I reached down to untie the Velcro tether from the board, leaving the board in the sand. I’d make Joel replace it, if it went back out to sea.

  We had more important things to take care of.

  “Bed?” I panted as he walked up the porch, his still-hard cock hitting me deep with each step.

  “Nope. The hammock.” He sat down and lay back, with me straddled on top of him. Time for round two. We quickly got rid of our wet clothing and became a tangled, naked mess.