Blinding Lights (Lights of Scotland Book 2) Read online

Page 11

  “Ye took care of it?” Anger was laced in his tone. Couldn’t blame him, I was still pretty livid that they were taken. Right from under my nose too. Shit like that wouldn’t happen again. I was alert now that someone was out there.

  “Yeah.” I muttered. Wolfe just nodded and looked out over the water. We stayed silent in our thoughts until he asked me something I thought unexpected.

  “Wanna be mah best man?” He stopped playing and looked at me. In all the years I’d known Wolfe, he’d never judged me. I was a killer and he’d never cared. He was my brother.

  “Yeah.” I answered, but then added in one condition.

  “No kilt for me though.” No chance in hell I’d do that. He laughed and stood up.

  “No kilt for ye.” He agreed. I got up to my feet and we walked back to the B&B, no telling what the girls were up to. Probably needed to check in on them. They were chatting about nothing special, Aggie called us down for dinner. The lot of us settled around the table, but some even had to sit in the kitchen or in the living room. There was quite a little crowd for the wedding. Ma Lennox showed up late that night after having to go take care of some things but was cracking everyone up at her arrival. Wolfe’s ma was pretty much a celtic hippie. She was in her fifties, and had long curly brown hair. She was thin, but tall. She wore a flowing green and blue dress with long sleeves. Her and Ma screamed in excitement at seeing each other. She then moved on to the bride and groom. Hugging them both tightly.

  “Oh my, look at this stud. Lach, ye have turned into quite the lad.” She whistled and winked at Lily.

  “Pleasure as always, Lisa.” I kissed her cheek and she slapped my cheek lightly. After she found her place to sit with food, we all ate and talked for hours. When it was finally time to go to bed, Lily wrapped herself around my body and we were surprisingly worn out. Sleep found us quite rapidly, which I was grateful for. I wasn’t in the mood to be wide awake with worry about the girl in my arms. The purchaser would show his face soon, and I would make him pay for every ounce of hurt he’s caused my little Starlight.

  Chapter Twenty- Five


  I knew his family was all around us, but I really couldn’t help myself. Lachlan was lying beside me, in just pajama pants. I wanted to taste him, pleasure him. Things have been so hectic between him first arriving and then the wedding that was happening today. He didn’t move as I slid down and extra slowly pulled the waistband of his pants down. Not enough that I could release him completely, but enough to get him to rise to me. Looking back up at his beautiful face, which was still asleep, I felt happy.

  My life was on the ups and I couldn’t wait to see where it took us. My hot breath caressed his cock, making it and the rest of him twitch. His abs flexed and I was drawn to them. His stab wound was pretty much completely healed. But even with all of his little scars here and there, he was still the most gorgeous man I’d ever known.

  My fingers lightly touched the velvety skin and moved gently. His cock was stirring to life and I was getting wetter with every inch it grew. I’d had three lovers before Lachlan and they were all boys compared to him. Truthfully, I’ve always felt like I belonged to him so no one else was compared.

  I looked up at his face to see his eyes closed but his eyebrows were pinched. I would fix that look soon. I took him in my mouth and swirled my tongue around. His hips lifted and his hands went to my head. My eyes flicked up to his to see him staring at me. He was awake now, good.

  Now I could really play. I increased my suction and bobbed my head up and down. Faster and faster. Then slow it down to almost teasing strokes and licks. His mouth fell open and a soft groan fell from his lips. I loved the sound of him groaning, losing control and just feeling the pleasure I was giving him. It made me feel powerful. His fingers laced through my hair, almost like he was afraid I’d leave his cock. No way. I was right where I wanted to be.

  “Lily, I’m gonna come.” His hips were lifting in sync with my movements and I was eager to taste him. My hand moved over his balls and I added a swirl of my head and he was coming down my throat. His whole body tensed and his head fell back onto the pillow. His groan, even though was silent so we wouldn’t wake anyone, was loud to me. I felt every bit of his pleasure. When he was finished I gave the head of him a quick kiss and sat up.

  “Morning.” I smiled. Today was going to be an epic day.

  “Morning.” His voice was all hoarse and sexed out. I liked it.

  “We need to have orgasms every day. I like your “I just came” voice.” I admitted. I wasn’t really one to hold back my thoughts, even when I probably should.

  “I like this plan, so now all we need is your orgasm to complete the day.” I was going to tell him that I was good for now but he scooped me up and carried me into the pleasant bathroom. Aggie really did a good job decorating this place. It wasn’t overboard, but it was nice.

  Together we got my shirt and shorts off, and his pants had to go. I turned on the water, that went to hot very quickly and hopped in. Lach looked me over with a predatory glint in his eyes. My pussy was probably dripping from that look, almost like a salivating dog. It knew things were about to get really good.

  He lunged at me and lifted me up against the cold tile. I yelped, at first, but then when his lips found mine I couldn’t have cared if there was a wall of ice behind me. His cock was pressed against my core. I wrapped my legs around his hips and rubbed myself against him. Needing him desperately.

  “Want my cock don’t you, Starlight?” He nipped at my neck and flex his hips into me.

  “Yes.” I moaned. I wanted it very badly.

  “You’d let me do anything to you right now wouldn’t you?” I nodded, I so would. I was his, forever.

  “Marry me, Lily.” He whispered into my ear. Before I could even think about what he had just said, he plunged into me and hammered me so hard and so fast against the tile that I was coming in mere minutes. His thrust continued and I held on for my life. My mind was consumed and my body was in euphoria. My legs squeezed around his hips and my nails dug into his back.

  “Lily.” With a groan he found his release, emptying himself inside me.

  When the high of our orgasms started to fall, I was able to think about what he’d said. Did he really mean it? I was scared to say something, what if he said it in the heat of the moment but was having regrets?

  “Marry me, Lily.” He kissed my cheek and then my lips. Tears sprang from my eyes uncontrollably. He pulled out of me and set me on my feet.

  “Shit, Lily. I’m sorry.” He cursed and ran his fingers through his hair. Oh no, he thought I was upset.

  “Not sorry, Lach. I just…” More tears came and I felt nuts. I wasn’t really a crier, but every once in a while something would happen and all the tears that maybe should have fallen at other times would hit me all at the same time. I was beyond emotional and happy. Then I looked through the spray of the shower and my tears to see his face was full of sadness. Oh god, I need to say something.

  “Yes!” I choked out and hugged him. His body was completely still, maybe he didn’t hear me.

  “I want to marry you!” I kissed his chin and started moving up. The violent tears had finally stopped, but he still wasn’t moving. Then his arms were crushing around me and his lips crashed against mine then pulled back to speak.

  “Fuck Lily, I know we should probably wait but I’ve fucking waited long enough for you. I want you forever. Mine, my home, my wife. I want to come back to you, and the life we create together. Whatever you want baby, we will have. You want a dog, kids, a fucking home in suburbia, it’s yours. You’re willing to love me even though you know what I do and who I am, I am willing to give you the world.” If my heart could fly out of my chest and into the clouds, it would. That was the most romantic thing I’d ever heard and it had come from the man I loved lips.

  “I don’t care about any of that, I just want you, you’re my home.” I smiled and kissed him. A hundred passionate kisses p
assed between us in that shower before we dried ourselves off and got dressed. I put on a simple long sleeve purple dress that came down to my knees and flats. Nera had asked if I would be her bridesmaid and I told her yes. Thankfully she was easy and didn’t care what I wore. Lachlan was dressed in a long sleeve black shirt and dark washed jeans.

  “We should probably sit and talk about what we are going to do once we get back to Portree. Do you have any jobs soon?” I asked him and it was strange how the thought of him going off and doing dangerous things didn’t really scare me. In my head, he was invincible.

  “No, not for another month. What do you want to do when we get back?” He asked while lacing up his boots. I noticed him shoving a shiny little blade into his boot before rolling his jeans over it. I guess that was something I would have to get used to as well. After everything that had happened, maybe it was a good thing he had weapons around him. I sat on the bed and thought about what I wanted.

  “Well, to be honest I didn’t realize how much I missed Scotland until I got here. I think I’d like to stay for a little while. Maybe I’ll see if I could teach some classes at the college or something like that.” Teaching could be fun. I loved dancing by myself up on the stage but I also enjoyed helping others with their skill to pursue their passion of dance.

  “Ok, we’ll stay in Scotland.” He shrugged. It was that easy with him.

  “Can we get a place?” I bit my lip nervously, we were technically engaged but things were still new.

  “Lily, don’t be nervous. You want something, I told you, it’s yours.” He looked at me and I felt more at ease.

  “Ok, yeah, I want to get a place together.” I told him. He agreed then made me laugh.

  “Good idea, I plan to fuck you on every surface I can. Not sure the owners of the apartment would appreciate that. Things could break.” He stood and held out his hand for me. I placed mine in his and he hoisted me up.

  “Sounds like fun.” I smiled and together we walked out of the room and prepared ourselves to be surrounded by happiness and the love for our dearest friends on their wedding day.

  As soon as we entered the kitchen, we were bombarded by Wolfe’s mom and Aggie.

  “Oh thank heavens yer up. Lachlan, Evan needs yer help out in the field. Lily, sweetheart Ah need yer help in here. Then ye need to go see Nera.” Aggie handed me two pitchers full of ice water.

  “Take those out tae the tables dear.” Lisa shoo’d me out the door to the kitchen. Lachlan was right behind me and headed towards Evan, who was setting up a tent in the field next to the B&B. I set the pitchers on the table that was near the tent and got excited. Nera would love this, and by god did she deserve a spectacular day. Knowing that she needed me I went back into the house and to the room she and Wolfe were staying in.

  Chapter Twenty- Six


  I knocked and heard Nera yell for me to come in.

  “Awesome, thank you for coming. I need your help.” I took a step in the door and closed it behind me. Their room was much like ours. One queen size bed, night stand, dresser, and pretty curtains. Simple.

  “What’s up?” She was in the bathroom when I walked over. She was wearing one of Wolfe’s big button up shirts. And only that shirt. I’d been around dancers all of my life. We weren’t shy. Having to do costume changes in two minutes would do that to you.

  “I’m not a girly type of girl, but I want to look really pretty. I was just never taught how. I figured you could help me.” She looked at me with a smile then gestured to a bag of unopened makeup, and as I nodded I felt my heart hurt a little for her. I had a mother, one I loved very, very much. I used to play dress up in with her shoes and makeup all the time. I was a little older than Nera but I wanted to just snatch her up and hold her. Show her all the experiences that she missed. I would be the sister she never had. Teach her all the girl things I knew.

  She sat on the toilet while I added a little bit of blush, hit of purple eye shadow and mascara. Just enough to make her beautiful greyish green eyes pop, then a hint of lip gloss. She was already very beautiful and unique with her Moroccan heritage; she didn’t need anything to make her really pretty. She was naturally that.

  “Ok, what should I do with my hair?” She asked and looked over her caramel color hair. All sorts of ideas coming through my head.

  “Well, what does your dress look like?” It really depended on what neckline her dress was. She jumped up and ran into the room, returning with a long white garment bag. We hung it on the hooks behind the door and she slid the zipper down.

  “Wow.” The dress was stunning.

  “Yeah, Lisa gave it to me. Saying that even though she never got to wear it, the dress deserved to be part of a special day. It had to be taken in at the boobs because well, she’s bustier than I am but otherwise it fit perfectly!” That was actually a sweet story.

  “Ok, with that neckline I think we should go with a half up do.” I declared and she sat down while I went to work on her hair. I explained things as I went and told her stories about my mom and I playing with our hair and faces. When I was finished, I helped her into the beautiful dress and cute flats. Taking a step back, I looked her over and felt my eyes glisten a little. Today was a day for happy tears I guess.

  She stood there and looked into the full length mirror that was by the closet.

  “That’s me.” She looked stunned.

  “Yeah babe, you look amazing.” She really did. Her hair was wavy, with the front section loosely pulled back and tied low behind her head. We’d put in some embellished pins to add a little sparkle to her hair. But the dress. It was a soft white material. One that had quarter length sleeves, and hugged her torso then flowed straight down to the ground. It was very boho chic. I half expected her to grab a flower crown and put it on her head. But it really worked with her. It had little lace accents that embellished the Celtic culture.

  “I’m not sure Wolfe is going to make it through the ceremony seeing you like this.” He was going to scoop her up as soon as he saw her and carry her back into the room. She laughed and walked over to the nightstand.

  “I guess we’ll see. Will you help me put my necklace on?” She handed me the sapphire star necklace Wolfe had gotten her and I clasped it around her neck.

  “Perfect.” I commented. She was ready and looked amazing.

  “OK, you stay here, let me go check on everything and then I’ll come grab you. Is someone walking you down the aisle?” We hadn’t really talked about the who’s and what’s of the wedding. She walked over to the window and looked out while staying behind the curtain.

  “Yeah, I asked Evan if he would. He said, yes.” That was sweet, I told her as much. I opened the door slightly to make sure no one was around before I slipped out to see if everyone was ready.

  Everything was pretty much set, considering there wasn’t too many people going to the ceremony. I found Wolfe talking to his mom and Lachlan by the beach.

  “You guys all set?”

  Wolfe was wearing a kilt with his signature tartan colors of grey, black, and red. And a black shirt covering his chest, and boots. He was something else. He didn’t go with the full formal Scottish wedding attire, but this was his version.

  “Aye!” He confirmed, and Lisa started rounding everyone up towards the little area on the sand where the ceremony would take place. Wolfe took his place next to who I’m guessing was their officiant with Lachlan at his side.

  I waved at the window where I saw Nera peeking. I saw a hand with a thumbs up hit the window signaling that she saw me. Moments later she started walking in our direction on the arm of Evan. I walked up to my spot beside the pastor. Even though I kept my eyes on Nera most of her descent, as she got closer and closer, I would peek at Wolfe’s expression.

  He had a look I would never in my life forget, he was watching the love of his life walk towards him looking like a hippie goddess. She was beautiful, and he knew she was his. After this moment, she would be his in every way
there was. My eyes moved towards Lachlan’s to see him looking at me. We would have our own special moment soon.

  Nera and Evan made it to where we were and he kissed her cheek softly. I could tell my emotions were going to be all over the place today.

  When Evan placed Nera’s hand in Wolfe’s, he pulled her against his body and kissed her senseless. The pastor behind them coughed while holding back his laughter. The couple separated and Wolfe looked at the Pastor.

  “Go ahead.” He turned back to his almost wife as she blushed brighter than a tomato.

  “Welcome friends and family, we are here to celebrate the wedding of Wolfe and Nera.”

  He continued talking about how life was hard but together they could make it through. They had chosen to do the traditional handfasting ceremony where their hands were wrapped over with a beautiful ribbon. Thus tying them together for all of eternity. Once the pastor declared them husband and wife, Nera leaped into Wolfe’s arms and kissed him senseless this time. The small crowd around us cheered and hooted at the couple’s display of their love.

  Once they broke apart, Wolfe scooped her up into his arms and carried her down the little aisle and over toward the area of the field with the buffet and where the games would take place. A small group of people started to gather around the area and clapped as the couple kissed and waved to the crowd.

  I smiled watching them say hello to everyone and thank them for their congratulations all while Wolfe held Nera in his arms. She tried to get out of them a couple of times but then just gave up. Truthfully she was probably lucky he didn’t club her and take her up to their room like I thought he would do.

  Strong arms wrapped around me and I welcomed them.

  “What kind of wedding do you want, Starlight?” Lach’s voice was smooth and seductive. I didn’t have an answer to that question. As much as I wanted to wear a pretty dress and have a big crowd there to celebrate with, it wouldn’t be the same without my mom.