Blinding Lights (Lights of Scotland Book 2) Read online

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  “It’s ok.” I told her. Maybe because I had just watched Lachlan kill four men yesterday, I was strangely at ease. I knew he would get us, and we would be safe.

  “Why did you take us?” Feeling brave I opened my mouth.

  “Shut up, you’ll find out soon enough. Once we get you to the drop off point, we’ll keep your friend for ourselves. Any woman who can keep the interest of a rock star has to have some moves.” The blond who was sitting in the passenger seat replied. Yick. I looked at Nera and saw her face turn red. Not in a blushing kind of way but at an almost at her boiling point kind of way.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “Someone’s paid big money to have you, we’re just getting in on the dough.”

  Someone was paying money for me? Who? What was happening here? The van was silent for another fifteen minutes before the van was slowing down, then finally stopped. They both got out of the van and I whispered to Nera quickly before they opened the door.

  “We use what we learned yesterday and run like hell.” It was our only choice right now. I wasn’t willing to find out who wanted me and I didn’t want anything to happen to Nera. She nodded, pissed off enough to give it a go. I wasn’t pissed but the need to survive was kicking in through my veins.

  When the door opened, I launched myself at whoever was on the outside and took him to the ground. Nera was right behind me as she kicked the other man. I heard his huff behind me but I was focusing on the man beneath me. He had a look of pure shock on his face and I used it. I punched him repeatedly in the nose, he came to his senses and flipped me over. He was much stronger than me. I used my hips and pushed up while bring my hands over my head. He flipped over me and I got in an elbow to the face before getting to me feet.

  “Let’s go!” I yelled and Nera was right on my tail. I had no clue where we were but we took off. We were in the country outside of Portree. There was small cottage home behind us, I’m guessing that was the drop off point for me. Creepy.

  “Let’s get off the road.” Nera breathed and I agreed. We headed into the woods and kept running. We were both in shape and I knew we could run for a while, but then we were taken to the ground. The men had caught us.

  “Get off me!” I screamed and started kicking, punching, anything to get free. I heard Nera struggling next to me, and I was afraid we were losing this battle.

  “Get the fuck off my woman.” A strong voice bellowed. All heads turned towards the two men standing by us looking fierce with their guns pointed at our attackers. I felt my heart warm at the sight of them. I knew he’d come, and he’d brought Wolfe too. Well, more likely Wolfe wouldn’t take no for an answer. I looked at the brown haired man above me.

  “You’re in trouble now.” Yeah, I was rubbing it in but who cares. These assholes were in need of a little ass whooping. His face turned hard like he wanted to hit me but knew his life would be over if he did. I almost wanted him to try.

  They got off of us and we both ran towards our men. Nera jumped into Wolfe’s arms. His gun dropped briefly while he kissed his woman and whispered against her lips. Once I reached Lachlan, he gave me a once over seeing if I was alright.

  “You ok?” he gritted through his teeth. I touched my hand to his face and while he didn’t close his eyes in relief, he leaned into my touch. His focus was on the men.

  “Wolfe, get the girls back to the truck and take them home.” I gripped his shirt after his demand, I didn’t want to leave him.

  “Go with Wolfe, Starlight. I’ll see you soon. I promise.” He spared me a glance that made me believe him. I had no clue what he was going to do with those two Italians but I knew it was going to hurt.

  Nera held her hand out for me and I clasped it. I gave Lachlan one last look before Wolfe led us to his truck and started taking us home.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Blood had a long time ago become just like water in my mind. I wiped off the blood of the brown headed Italian whose name was Romeo on a dish rag I had grabbed from the kitchen. The cottage they were taking my Lily to was abandoned and the purchaser of Lily was to come and grab her unconscious body at midnight, which was in another hour. Romeo and his companion Trey spilled the beans fairly quickly after a little cutting.

  No matter what new ways there were to torture someone, a knife always seemed to work the best. A few slices to the skin between their fingers, then a finger or two. and they were singing like a canary. At first they tried to put up a fight, thinking two against one with a gun would have been easy, until I shot one in the knee and the other in the shoulder. Non-lethal wounds but it would show them I meant business and incapacitate them a little.

  Both men were going to bleed out in the next ten minutes after my torture and I couldn’t have cared less. They had taken my woman and my Laoch with evil intent. After digging around, I found out they were quite the little criminals. Luring tourists into believing they were fun guys wanting to show girls around beautiful cities after they get off their planes, but then taking them and selling them off to the sex trade. Scum. Using their looks and charms to capture women. Trey told me thinking it would save his life that this purchaser was also the same one who had her taken the first time. He was resilient. Too bad for Trey that his information didn’t save his life.

  I sat on the couch and listened as their breaths slowed, until they stopped. The purchaser of Lily would be here soon and I intended to find out who the hell was going through such great lengths to have her. I kept my mind off Lily because I knew once I started with those thoughts, I would either have difficulty doing what I would need to do or I wouldn’t wait to get information from the man. I would just shoot him as soon as he got out of his car. I was pissed about everything that had happened in the past 24 hours. Just when I was finally seeing happiness with Lily, the brutal reality of my life came crashing in. But this time it seemed like everything had been about her recently. These men weren’t after me, and they were unprepared for their target’s mercenary boyfriend. Lights coming in through the window brought my attention to back to the mission at hand. Figure out who was behind Lily’s kidnappings.

  The car door opened and I peered out from beside the window. It was a man, and he was alone. But before I could get a really good look at him, he jumped back in his car and took off. I took a step back and watched as tail lights sped down the drive and back onto the road. I should have shot his tires, then shot him.

  The Italian’s van being parked in front of the house must have spooked him. I looked up towards the heavens and cursed this life. Vowing to all of the universe that I was going to find the mystery purchaser, and do everything in my power to make sure my Lily was safe. I looked at the drained Italians that were sitting at the kitchen table. Knowing that I couldn’t leave them here, I dragged them one by one to their van and threw them inside.

  Maybe it was the Italian accents but I was suddenly feeling very mafia-ish. I wasn’t in the mood to call my contact that cleaned up bodies on my jobs tonight. He was sometimes a surly bastard anyways. Creepy too.

  After working some magic and spending about three hundred dollars, the Italians were now swimming with the fishes in the Sound of Raasay, off Portree.

  It was about two in the morning when I made it to Lily’s apartment, and a light was still shining from inside. I knocked on the door and Lily was opening it and jumping into my arms in the same minute. My arms wrapped around her and I wanted to never let her go. I was home.

  “I love you.” I whispered in her hair, needing to hear that she still loved me too. God, after everything that had happened I wouldn’t blame her if she decided it was too much. Being with a monster.

  “I love you so much, Lachlan. I knew you would come for us.” She hugged me tighter and I felt my heart soar. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me. Clinging to me like a sloth.

  “Always, Starlight.” That was something she wouldn’t have to worry about. No matter what hell we went through, I would
always be there for her.

  “All good?” Wolfe was sitting on the couch with Nera attached to his side.

  “Yeah, you ok little Laoch?” Nera had a very pensive look on her face. She fought with bravery and truly was the warrior I called her. Both girls were. She looked at me and then at Wolfe.

  “I want to get married this weekend.” That was not what I was expecting to come out of her mouth. Lily turned her body in my arms to look at her with what I’m sure was a confused look on her face. Nera looked around at all of our stunned faces but then stayed glued to Wolfe’s.

  “I don’t want to wait anymore. I want to marry you this weekend.” I watched as Wolfe’s face lit up the whole room. He was the happiest man alive right now.

  “Mah woman wants tae be mah wife this weekend, well looks like we are having a wedding.” He kissed her passionately and even though we just went through something awful, maybe this was just what we needed. To celebrate the life and love that we had right now.

  “Can we do it at the B&B?” Nera asked between kisses.

  “Fuck yes.” Wolfe agreed. They pulled away long enough to ask us if we would go and be a part of their wedding. Of course we said yes. I was beyond happy for them and wouldn’t miss it for anything. We talked for a half hour about what we needed to do to get the ball rolling and then they left. Off to probably fuck, sleep, and plan.

  “Let’s go, we need a shower and I need to touch you.” I picked Lily up, who had never left my lap to say goodbye and walked us to the bathroom. Slowly, we peeled our clothing off and came back together under the water’s spray. When our lips met, and hands started to roam there was no stopping us from taking every drop of pleasure from one another. We tasted, we caressed, we loved.

  Once we were dried and in bed, we held onto each other while falling into a deep, peaceful sleep.

  The next day was insane. Wolfe wanted to invite my family to their wedding. Ma was going crazy trying to plan how everyone was going to drive the four hours over to Durness where the bed and breakfast was the couple wanted to get married at. It was where their story first started together. It was fitting all around. Mama Lennox was calling Ma constantly chatting about what they could do together to throw this shindig. Honestly, Wolfe and Nera wouldn’t have to do anything but show up.

  Chapter Twenty- Four


  Two days had passed in a blur and we were all driving towards Durness. Ma and Pa were letting Aiden drive the whole way behind Lily and I. Ma was probably having a heart attack while Pa was trying to calm her down so Aiden could focus on driving. In truth, we all knew how to drive very well. Pa would let us drive around the country when we were ten, so we knew our way around a car. Didn’t stop Ma from worrying like she always did.

  Grant and his family were tailing along too. I’m sure their car was filled with all sorts of annoying noises.

  But what was most interesting was Fin. He was coming in tomorrow, because things with the stripper girl were taking a different turn. They weren’t together but things we changing. So he was bringing her but she couldn’t leave until tomorrow. So all of my family was riding in a long caravan out to meet up with Wolfe and Nera who left yesterday with his mom. I hadn’t seen her in so long it would be nice to get together with everyone. And with a happy occasion. Last time I’d seen everyone together was Roderick’s funeral. Not great times.

  Ma pointed out to me before we left that Roderick’s 30th birthday was coming up soon and to remember that they were having a party for him. Lily told her we were still going and I just nodded. Originally I told Ma I would go, but I was planning on leaving and missing it. His death still haunted me, and I wasn’t sure seeing his tombstone was something I needed, but still I told Lily I would try. She told me if it was too much that I could go so I would hold her to that.

  “I’m so happy for Wolfe and Nera. I mean after Alexis, I didn’t know if he would recover.” Lily filled the void of silence in the SUV I’d grabbed since I burnt my other ride.

  “Yeah, he and Nera are meant to be.” I truly believed that.

  “You believe in soulmates?” It didn’t take me long to think about it.

  “Yeah, you?” Not sure why this topic was intriguing but it made me curious if maybe she thought we were soulmates.

  “I do. I know we’ve talked about it before but it really has only been you, Lach. I’ve dated here and there but you’ve been the only man that’s held my heart. I think like the myths of the land our story was written in the stars, destined to for heartbreak, love, and otherworldly happiness.” She smiled and I wanted to kiss her, taste that happiness that was beaming from her lips. There wasn’t really much to say after her comment. I just paid attention to the road, while Lily would occasionally ooh, and aah over the beautiful Scottish scenery.

  By the time we arrived in Durness, the tiny town was quiet, like everyone was taking a nap. But on the other hand that was Durness. I’d been here once with Wolfe when we were kids but other than that it was his go to place when he needed to escape reality. The water crashing against the cliffs, the little beach areas were you could relax to the smell of the salty sea spray. I could see the appeal. It was peaceful.

  “Wow.” Lily jumped out of the car as soon as I put it in park. The bed and breakfast was cute, white and wooded. The caretakers Evan and Aggie were talking with Wolfe just outside the house. Evan and Aggie were sort of a short and stocky couple, but the few times I’d met them they had really big hearts. Taking in people and cooking, cleaning, and opening their home to strangers. The Spurtle, which was their pub that Evan ran was not far off beside the B&B, had a few people coming in and out of but being that it was only the afternoon they wouldn’t pick up until dinner time.

  “There is the crew.” Wolfe walked over to us and hugged Lily.

  “This place is amazing! I can’t believe I’ve never been here before.” She was practically jumping out of her skin to go and look over everything.

  “That it is.” He set her down and gave me a nod. No need for bro hugs right now.

  One by one my family member’s came up and said hi to Wolfe and went inside the B&B. Evan was awesome enough to hook us all up with a room for two days.

  “Hey guys!” Nera waved as we walked into the kitchen area. She had a biscuit stuffed in her mouth. She did love biscuits.

  “Hey, Future Mrs. Lennox.” Lily teased and went to hug her. They had truly formed a real friendship in the past few weeks. I was happy for both of them. Nera needed some more friends, and I wasn’t sure about Lily’s situation but I knew their relationship was perfect all around.

  “Gah, I’m not sure I’ll be able to get used to that.” She rolled her eyes. Such a little shit. She was wearing her signature sweater, and jeans outfit. Lily was rocking her sweater and leggings look. Two peas in a pod.

  “So what’s on the agenda? Do you need any help?” Lily was a giver. Wanting to help in any way possible for those she cared about. I walked over to the bar stool and took a seat. I needed to hear what all they were going to say, because I would probably be drafted into helping, but I also knew this may take some time.

  “Well, we’ve decided to have fun with our wedding. Ceremony is tomorrow before lunch out by the water. Then we will be throwing a highland game with a big lunch buffet!” Nera was full of happiness right now, something I was beyond elated to see in her.

  “That is so cool! Hot guys in kilts, sounds like a good day to me.” Lily joked but threw a wink at me. Wolfe was the one to wear a kilt in our little group, I was not. I may be Scottish in my roots but I’d lost that part of me when Roderick died. My job required me to be anonymous. No tattoos, no way to figure out who I was, including a Scottish accent. I knew every once in a while it would slip out, that I couldn’t help. But for the most part, one would never know that about me.

  “Kilts.” Nera mumbled but blush grew on her cheeks. Interesting.

  “Awesome, so can we do anything?” Lily volunteered us again.

nbsp; “I think everything is good for now. Tomorrow I’m sure you can lend a hand somewhere to help get things set up.” I’m sure she was right; the night before wasn’t really where all of the chaos began. Tomorrow would be a different story though.

  “Can I show you some things?” Nera asked Lily, who was nodding so fast I worried she would get whiplash.

  “Yeah, of course.” Lily walked over to me and kissed me really quick before following Nera up to where they were going to probably talk wedding stuff. Weddings like this didn’t take much money, but with Wolfe being a rock god, as Nera called it, he could do whatever he wanted. You wanted something right away, no problem. I stayed on the bar stool and let my mind wander. What type of wedding would Lily want? God, would she even want to get married. I knew I shouldn’t have been thinking about this shit right now, considering we technically just got together but It had been a long time coming. I was just fighting to stay away. I could have been with her the whole time.

  “No sense in going down that path.” I mumbled aloud to myself. Should of, would of, could of. It was pointless to dwell.

  I sat there in the kitchen for a few more minutes before going in search of Wolfe, he was sitting on the beach strumming his guitar. Wolfe’s music always soothed me, back when we first met, he saved me from drowning. When I was stuck inside from a broken leg, he stayed inside with me, playing his guitar and saving me from being bored. I plopped down beside him and stared out over the Scottish waters. Finding peace in the moment.

  “Figure out who took the lassies?” He asked while playing with his strings. I had looked into it. Only people I could come up with was Lance, Lily’s ex-boyfriend. The brother who was a doctor, and an unknown we haven’t met yet. I didn’t have much to go with. The Italians told me that someone wanted Lily really badly, but they didn’t have a name.

  “Sort of, someone is after Lily. They took Nera because she was there and they wanted a piece.” Scum. Wolfe’s tune faltered for a moment but he continued playing.