Blinding Lights (Lights of Scotland Book 2) Page 9
“I love you.” I told her before my feet were moving and I crushed my cut lips to hers.
“Always have.” I finished during our next breath.
“Always will.” She added. I smiled against her lips. That I would.
We kissed as best we could until the tinge of blood touched our tongues. We were in no shape to be doing anything sexual tonight. So instead I carried her into the bathroom and together we washed away everything we could from our afternoon. After we were dry, we laid on the bed, completely naked. There was nothing hidden between us anymore. We worshipped each other’s bodies with our eyes, and hands roaming over every curve, every edge. But kept it as simple exploration. We needed to heal tonight, but tomorrow it was on.
“So where do you go in between jobs?” She was curious and I had to admit it was nice not to have to beat around the bush when she asked me questions about my life.
“I have a flat in London and in North Carolina in the states. I’m rarely at either.” My hand coasted over the little flare of her hips. She was so soft.
“I have an apartment in New York but I’m not sure if I’m going to go back to it. Maybe I’ll rent it out or something.” I didn’t know what to say to her statement so I just kept feeling her velvety skin.
“Can we be together? When you aren’t working?” She nibbled on her bottom lip, showing she was nervous. If she was asking for us to live together that answer was simple.
“Of course, Lily.” My finger moved down her stomach and circled her navel.
“Where are we going to stay? My place? Yours?” She wanted to talk out everything right now? I leaned in and pressed a kiss to her lips to shut her up a bit.
“Lily, wherever you go. I’ll follow.” It was as simple as that. She was my home now, and I wasn’t going to give her up for anything. She smiled at my answer and we just laid there in silence until she fell asleep. Once I knew she was out and I wouldn’t bother her, I kissed her forehead and covered her up in the blankets.
As much as I wanted to stay in that bed with her, I needed to find out why those men were that came after us today. Wishing I had brought more clothes over to her house, I put on my blood splattered jeans and shirt. After swiping her key and locking the door behind me, I went out to the truck and drove to my parent’s house to grab some clothes, and my gear. I needed to scope out everything I could about the attackers. No one heard me at the house because I didn’t want them to, so I was in and out in no time. Once I was back at the apartment, I got to work on figuring out every detail I could on those men. In the car was two rounds left of the rocket launcher in the back seat. Just sitting there. I rolled my eyes at the pure amateurisms of their actions. These men were not professional hit men. I looked up the information on the car and the serial number to the guns and found they led back to that shit hole where I’d found Lily.
It would seem there were a few survivors, and they wanted a piece of the man who brought down their operation. One of the men had left his cellphone in the truck, and I’d hacked into all of his information. They found me through finding Lily and were planning on taking her as a hostage if they didn’t kill me right away. Out for revenge. Pitiful job they did. They didn’t do their research, not that they would find much anyways. Lachlan Sloan didn’t truly exist.
After about an hour of digging through the truck, I came to the conclusion that these boys were it. The last of the rebels in that gang who were out to get me. It was one less thing to worry about but I knew there would be more. There were always pissed off bad guys that I’d taken down. It was never completely over, but at least for tonight I could go back to that warm bed with Lily and pull her into my arms and rest. Tomorrow would be another day, but for tonight. I’d enjoy my life.
I’d woken up to the smell of coffee and sugar. Lily wasn’t next to me but I heard a few scraping noises coming from the kitchen. I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up a little before seeing her. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw the bruising and little cuts from the wreck. I looked like I had gotten in a tussle at the bar. Maybe that would be what we told everyone, but then that wouldn’t explain Lily’s cuts.
I guess as close to the truth was better. We were in an accident, but we’re ok. I was wearing long plaid pants and nothing else after changing last night. I was deciding on whether or not to put on a shirt, but chose the latter when I thought about her face when I walked out there wearing nothing but pants. I knew I looked good. Cuts and all, and it was nice to see the blush on Lily’s cheeks when her body agreed with that statement.
Chapter Twenty
“Smells good.” I walked out towards the kitchen to see her in a cropped shirt and little shorts with socks that came to her knees. Adorably sexy. She peeked at me and I saw that blush I was looking for. She was pure heaven. I wrapped my arms around her from behind and placed my chin on her head. My short, but beautiful girl.
“I made blueberry pancakes. Hope that’s ok.” She flipped the gooey cake and we watched as it cooked.
“Sounds great. Need any help?” I pulled back to kiss her head and then moved down to her neck. She was soft, and yet hard. I felt my cock responding to her nearness before she spoke.
“Mm. You can, uh…Set the table.” My cock was distracting her, that pleased me greatly. She was so responsive to me. Pancakes were forgotten. I reached over and turned off the stove before lifting her up over my shoulder.
“Lach! What are you!” I cut off her scream with a smack to her ass. It was right there next to my face, I wanted to bite it. Kiss it. Worship her perfect ass.
“I’m setting the table.” I gently lifted her off of me and laid her across the top. I looked her over like the breakfast she was.
“Delicious.” I licked my lips and brought my hands to her legs. Slowly moving up and down her thighs, warming her flesh. She wiggled and I could tell she was just as affected as I was. Gently, I pulled down her shorts to find her commando. I liked that, I liked that a lot. I hummed in delight.
“Breakfast of Champions.” I purred. Best breakfast buffet a man could ask for. Unlike our first time on the stage, I was going to savor this moment. There would be no rushed movements. I’d been waiting for so long to truly have her in my life. As mine. I would make this morning last forever if I could.
I started at her toes. Kissing each one before moving towards her toned calves. I could see her sex glisten with desire. It only made me want to draw this out as long as I could. Take everything she had to give and more. I pulled her body slightly so her ass was on the edge of the table. I pulled out her chair and sat down. She looked at me like I was a hot mess. But I also saw in her eyes the anticipation of what was to come. She was enjoying this as much as I was. With a smirk on my lips, I pressed a kiss to her clit. Giving it a little love bite. Her yelp and bowed back made me growl in delight. Her head fell back as I flicked my tongue out and tasted her sweet nectar. She was soaked and I wanted to lick and suck it all from her. Deciding I’d had enough of sweet tastes I went in for the main meal. Devouring her, pressing my tongue in and out of her pussy. Focusing on her clit then back to her entrance. She moaned and wiggled as I took it all.
I felt her start to tense and I eased off. Her frustrated groan made me chuckle.
“In time my little starlight.” I kissed her gently under her shirt and the little bottom swell of her breast before coming back from her shirt and helping her peel out of it.
“Why do you call me Starlight?” She moaned as I ran my two fingers around her clit, my other hand pushed down my pajama pants, freeing my cock.
Taking myself in my hands, I ran the head up and down her slit
“Because you are so bright, so pure, and so far beyond my reach.” I eased myself into her wet heat. She gasped, her hands clawing at the wood of the table. Slowly pulling out and pushing back into her in the slowest and sweetest way I knew how. Wanting to feel her completely against my body I leaned over and wrapped my arms arou
nd her back. Hoisting her up so we were chest to chest. Lips to lips. Her arms wrapped around my neck, holding me to her. I wasn’t going anywhere. Every stroke was long, slow, and hard. Our lips connected and each kiss was an unspoken dedication of love. A kiss for every moment missed over the years, and with every kiss she eased a piece of my soul.
Together we moved until sweat covered our bodies, our breaths were harsh, and the need for release was almost painful. My hands gripped underneath her legs and lifted her up. Holding her impaled on my cock and driven by the desire to satisfy us both, I lifted her up and slammed her back on my cock. Fucking her into oblivion. She fell and screamed into my shoulder moments later. Milking my cock for every last bit of cum I could give. My fingers dug into her skin as my release hit, making me groan into her sweat-matted hair.
“Not out of reach anymore.” She whispered on her breathless lips. I smiled and kissed her. My phone beeped from the bedroom, pulling my mind off my woman. She nipped at my lips.
“Go get that, I’ll see if I can salvage any of breakfast for us.” She pulled back and I slowly eased out of her. I pulled up my pants and walked to the bathroom to get her a warm wash cloth. She took it and cleaned herself and before skipping off into her kitchen. I shook my head and went in search of my phone. It was a text from Wolfe.
Doing a song at the ArchAngel tonight, you and Lily should come. WOLFE
Going out tonight would be fun. It would be Lily and my official first date out together.
“Hey, Wolfe wants us to go see him sing tonight at a pub, want to go?” I yelled from the bedroom.
“Oh sounds like fun!” She yelled back. I shot him a text saying we’d go.
I didn’t have any jobs lined up soon so I could relax with my girl and we could figure our shit out together.
I tossed my phone onto the bed and walked back out to see her setting a plate of pancakes on the table. My memories of that table were forever ingrained in my head. I smiled as I walked over and kissed her on the head before sitting down.
“Sorry there’s only a couple.” She gave me a knowing look like it was my fault. I smirked at her, I had no regrets about breakfast.
The pancakes were really good, and the rest of our morning was easy. After everything that had went down yesterday, we needed an easy day. We talked about her mom, and I was sad to hear about her passing. She was a fine woman. We had also talked briefly about those men who attacked us. She was worried that more would be coming, so I told her they were it and why they came after us. It seemed to ease the tension in her shoulders a little. I wanted to promise her that shit like that would never happen again, but I couldn’t. She understood and was still ok with being with me. It was amazing and I sat there on the couch with her the rest of the day. Holding my woman close while we watching movies, not having any stresses or cares in the world.
Chapter Twenty-One
The bar was crowded tonight, and no one even knew that Wolfe was going to play a song tonight. Nera, Lachlan, and I all sat at the bar waiting for him to take the stage.
I knew I looked like a goof with the big smile that was plastered on my face. Lachlan was mine, and he was done running from me. We were in it together, whenever he felt the world on his shoulders, I would help him carry the weight. And what a weight.
I shuddered thinking about yesterday’s events. Lachlan killing those men without any remorse was something I wasn’t sure I would get used to. He didn’t even blink as he threw that knife at the man’s throat. Granted they were trying to kill us so I really shouldn’t be upset, but it was still something I didn’t want to see again. Despite knowing, he was a killer, and a good one at that, I still loved him. I believed he only killed evil. It was something I felt my soul was at peace with. He wasn’t out slaughtering children; he was taking out the criminals who did pure evil acts in the world.
His lips touched my head from behind me and I was reminded why I was ok with it all. He was my everything. I needed him in my life.
The singer on the stage ended his song with a loud strum of his guitar, drawing our eyes to him. After thanking the crowd, he left the stage and Wolfe walked up the stairs and sat on the stool with his acoustic guitar. He hummed into the mic and I saw Nera smile beside me. Instantly I knew what song he was going to sing and I felt chills every time he did it. His fingers started strumming the tune and when he opened his mouth the whole crowd silenced.
You have no peace, can’t even sleep
Your demons chase you every day and night
I can’t protect you from your dreams
Or promise things will be all right
But darling I
Promise you’ll survive
I’ll keep your heart alive
And make sure our love will thrive
And darling you
I know you’ll see this through
You’re beautiful, strong, and true
I’m not one to make promises
But I will for you
Lachlan’s arms wrapped around me, feeling everything while listening to Wolfe sing. It may be his song to Nera, but I think everyone could find a little of themselves in it as well. If I could sing, I’d sing it to my love. I smiled and settled more against Lachlan’s chest. Surrounding myself in his warmth and love.
You toss and turn; my stomach churns
At the thought of losing you one more time
Don’t ever forget I’m your safety net
When you only see darkness, turn on the light
Darling, I’m your light
But darling I
Promise you’ll survive
I’ll keep your heart alive
And make sure our love will thrive
And darling you
I know you’ll see this through
You’re beautiful, strong, and true
I’m not one to make promises
But I will for you
Just carry me with you wherever you go
Only after a storm do you see a rainbow
But darling I
Promise you’ll survive
I’ll keep your heart alive
And make sure our love will thrive
And darling you
I know you’ll see this through
You’re beautiful, strong, and true
I’m not one to make promises
But I will for you
When he was done, Nera jumped up from her stool and ran to him. I think that was my favorite part of his shows. No matter how hard she would try not to, she couldn’t help herself but to jump into his arms after his beautiful declaration of love to her. The smiles on their faces as they kissed made me laugh, it was nice to be surrounded by love and happiness. I looked back at Lachlan to see him smiling at them too. I leaned up and kissed his chin. When his eyes came down to mine, I saw pure happiness in those green depths. Something I had a feeling that was gone from his life for a long time. I vowed right then that I would forever try to make him happy whenever I could. He deserved it.
“I love you.” I mouthed to him. The crowd was going wild at the kissing going on at the stage so I knew he wouldn’t have heard me very well. He leaned down and our mouths touched.
“I love you.” He whispered against me, his breath tickling my lips. Moving the tiny space between us, our lips joined and mingling in perfect bliss.
“Alright ye love birds, don’t want tae give everyone a free show.” Wolfe appeared and teased. I bet he was getting a kick out of us. His two best friends were now together.
“Take a piss ye tussa.” I gave my shot at a Scottish accent but I was never any good at it. Try as I might.
I pulled away from Lachlan, and looked towards my bearded friend.
“Where’s Nera?” I didn’t see her attached to him. He nodded towards the restroom. Oh, that was a good idea. I didn’t know what else we were going to be doing tonight but I didn’t want to be that girl that had to pee as soon as we got there. I jumped off the stool.
/> “I’m going to go pee!” I blew them a kiss and made my way to the bathroom. Both boys shook their heads but started chatting. It was nice to see them together and happy.
I opened the door and saw Nera washing her hands.
“The boys are so cute together.” I commented. She laughed and agreed.
“Yeah, I’d say they have a good bromance going on.” I walked into a stall and did my business. After I was done, I walked out and stopped. Nera was standing there looking at the door where two men were pointing guns at us. I didn’t know what to think, I was stunned.
Chapter Twenty- two
“Now, we are going to walk out of the bathroom quietly, if you try to signal your boyfriends we will shoot you. Got it?” The taller of the two spoke. He had a slight Italian accent, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. His shorter companion was blond but very tan with brown eyes. I looked at Nera and she nodded at me.
“Ok.” We agreed. I tried to think of any way I could signal Lachlan what was happening without them knowing but came up short.
The shorter man walked behind me and put the gun to my back.
“Move.” He spat. The tall man was behind Nera as they started moving, I followed behind them. I looked over towards the bar where Lach and Wolfe were but they were distracted by two women. more like trying to fight off two women. I wanted to fight, but that gun was literally touching me and I wasn’t that quick.
We made it outside the bar and they led us towards the parking lot where there was a van waiting for us. I heard Nera sigh.
“This again.” She breathed. Poor girl, she had complete memory of the last time she was taken. This wasn’t my first rodeo either but at least I didn’t remember the first time. They opened the door and we climbed in. Once we were all inside and the doors were locked Nera grabbed my hand, holding it tightly. I looked at her, and I felt a bond forming. We were in this together. She wasn’t alone this time.