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Blinding Lights (Lights of Scotland Book 2) Page 7

  “Come on, you can quit mauling me now.” He teased and got off me real quick. I chased after him but he ran out the door and was putting on his shirt when I reached him. He ducked out of the lite push I was going to give him but then wrapped his arms around me and held me like he won the moon.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Told ye.” Wolfe winked and Nera was beaming at us. Well Lachlan did bounce back very quickly.

  “So, what are you lot doing here?” The man behind me spoke up.

  “We were going to have dinner. Then I don’t know. Did we have any more plans?” She looked at Wolfe who proceeded to shrug. He was so shruggy today. I answered for him.

  “Nope, we were just going to hang out and drink a little.” I untangled myself from my love and Nera and I got to work on unloading everything from the bags for dinner.

  “I’m glad it worked out between you two.” Nera whispered to me while grabbing a frying pan from the cabinet below. The apartment was pretty open so it was nice to be in the kitchen but still be part of the happenings in the living room. So Lachlan and Wolfe could be heard talking about a car that Wolfe had hired Fin to bring back to life.

  “Me too. It’s a dream come true.” I admitted to her. We started cooking chili and getting all the chips, sour cream, and cheese ready to go. It took about an hour and then we all dug in. Every once in a while Lachlan would give me a look that said he would rather be eating me than the chili, which only made me think of how amazing he had felt between my legs.

  “Man, I’m stuffed.” Nera relaxed back into the wooden chair. She was so petite but man could she knock back some food. Wolfe told me she didn’t get to experience many choices of food when she was younger so she took advantage of it now.

  “You killed it, Laoch.” Lachlan teased her. They had such a strange relationship, I wish I understood it more.

  “Shh.” She bit out with a smile.

  “So Lily, when is yer next show?” Wolfe asked. Over the years, he had actually come to a couple of my shows if he was in town. I traveled all over the world, doing different shows. I had gone to Julliard after high school and excelled at all my classes. I got accepted into the best dance companies there were, and I had been loving every minute of it.

  “I don’t have any planned for a couple of months actually. After what happened, I kind of wanted take a break.” To be honest I sort of had a little PTSD from being taken. While I don’t remember it completely, I still was a little nervous that someone was out to grab me again.

  “I have a good therapist if you need someone to talk to.” Nera stated, maybe that would be a good idea.

  “I might do that, but I think I’ll feel better after tomorrow.” I winked at her.

  “What’s tomorrow?” Lachlan asked, looking between the two of us.

  “Tired of tae lassies in mah life gittin kidnapped. Signed them up for self-defense class tomorrow.” Wolfe answered. He was pretty adamant about us learned the basics. He had mentioned it when we were on the phone before I flew out here and I was looking forward to it actually.

  “Good plan.” Lachlan agreed. It was nice hanging out with everyone like this. I really hoped this calm would last, but something in the back of my head told me it was just a calm before the storm. We ended up watching the highland games that was on TV. Wolfe and Nera, who were snuggled up together on the recliner, talked about how much fun they had at the big games when they went. It was that moment Wolfe got outed to Nera as Rock God. I was happy for them. Lachlan sat beside me on the couch and I cuddled close.

  I didn’t really know when I dozed off, but I heard Nera and Wolfe say bye, then I was lifted into the air and Lachlan was carrying me to the bedroom. I was so tired. Seeing him again and the stage sex, followed by everything else had just wiped me. He laid me down and took off most of his clothes before jumping into bed with me. I wish I had the energy to enjoy his body in bed with mine, but as his arms wrapped around me I passed out.

  Man I had one hell of a dream. Sex with Lachlan, then dancing naked in front of a huge audience, and someone taking me and throwing me in a dark room.

  I woke up startled and looked around. Lachlan was still asleep next to me. Thank God. I took a few breaths to help calm my heart, that dream was crazy. Maybe I really did need to give Nera’s therapist a call.

  “No, Rod.” Lachlan murmured next to me. I looked at him to see if he had woken up but he hadn’t. He must be dreaming. But Rod? I thought about it and figured it must be dreaming about his brother Roderick. He had been killed back when we were around eighteen. The family took it really hard, but thinking back on it. Lachlan never was the same after that.

  “Please.” He begged. Something in his voice made my heart hurt for him. Something wasn’t right.

  “Lach. Baby, wake up.” I spoke softly, hoping not to startle him too much. Quicker than I thought humanly possible, Lachlan was up and out of bed. Holding a gun towards my head. HOLY FUCK.

  “Lachlan. Put the gun down.” I may have seemed calm on the outside but I was freaking out a little on the inside. I’d never seen a gun in real life. Where did he get it? Was it tucked into his boxers the whole time?

  He stood there staring at me like I was an enemy. His chest was moving in short, sharp breaths.

  “Lach.” I tried again, this time his eyes widened, and he lightly dropped the gun.

  “Fuck!” He bellowed and gripped at his bed ridden hair. I sat there in the bed, not knowing how to react.

  “Dammit Lily, I can’t do this.” He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. His posture was one of defeat. That I couldn’t allow, I needed him to fight. Crawling over to his side of the bed I wrapped my body around his back.

  “It’s ok. I’m here. We’re here.” I whispered into his skin. His body was tense, and barely containing whatever was going on in his head.

  After a few minutes of stillness, he pulled away only to get back in bed with arms open.

  “Can I hold you?” His voice was so different than the alpha Lachlan I was beginning to know. Right now he was vulnerable and needed me. I crawled in immediately and kissed his chest.

  “Do you need to talk about it?” Unsure whether or not I should probe or not my hands lightly rubbed him in comfort.

  “Just remembering when Roderick died.” I was right about him dreaming about his brother. He took a few deep breaths and I kissed him again on the shoulder.

  “He was murdered right? We moved to the states right after. I’m sorry, Lach.” I lifted up to look into his eyes. He held so much pain on his shoulders. I wished he would lay some on top of mine. Together, we could climb out of the darkness that laid claim to his soul.

  “Yeah.” He didn’t elaborate and I could tell he didn’t want to talk more about it. Instead, I laid my head back down and changed the subject. I racked my brain for something to get his mind off of his brother’s death.

  “Remember when we broke into Tasy’s old store and ate every piece of bubble gum in that big bucket. I swear I don’t know which was more sore. My cheeks from chewing or my ass from mama beating my hide.” I smiled remembering our fun times back in the day.

  “You were a little hellion.” I could feel him smile in my hair.

  “What about the time we saran wrapped Christy’s car when she started that rumor about me being an alien in high school.” I can honestly say I did not regret that one bit. Christy was a total bitch. I don’t really know what she had against me. I wasn’t cool or anything, so no clue why the most popular girl would feel threatened by me.

  “She wanted me back then. Thought you were competition for my affections.” It was like he knew what I was thinking. His voice was starting to turn back to the Lachlan I was getting to know.

  “Well, Christy Barns can suck it now.” I hoped I ran into her one day with Lachlan’s arm around me. I’d play that shit up. Lach’s body started shaking beneath me. He was laughing. His chuckle was something that should be bottled up and sold to t
he lonely women all over the world. It could make any heart swoon and fill with happiness.

  “Christy Barns can suck it now.” He repeated. I soared on cloud nine with the feelings of making him forget about his nightmare. I could do this. We could do this. After his laughter died down, we fell into a silent walk down memory lane. I wanted to hear everything from his point of view and compare it to my own of events. I was starting to think maybe he had gone back to sleep until his hand roamed down and lightly touched my breast. I bit my lip to stop myself from making any noise. His body slowly moved so we were facing each other. When his lips found mine there was no holding back the sigh of contentment that fled me. Our legs and arms tangled, trying to get closer to one another.

  This time there was no rush, we weren’t on an open stage. We could take our time, explore each other’s bodies. Blood running hot, breaths gaining speed, every part of me wanted to connect with his.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Then his phone rang.

  “Shit.” He cursed and rolled over to grab his phone.

  “Yeah.” He answered, sounding pretty pissed at whoever dared interrupted us. I couldn’t blame him, I was tempted to tell him to take that gun of his and shoot them in the foot. I was very much wanting what was about to happen.

  “Right, I’ll be there.” My heart sank, he was leaving. Now? He turned towards me and groaned.

  “Ma needs me to take Aiden to school.” As much as I needed an orgasm right now, the need to laugh at his pain bubbled over. I couldn’t help it at all.

  “You’re so going to get it later.” He leaned in to kiss me then rose off the bed to get dressed. His cock was hard and looked to be making getting his jeans up a difficult task. Poor guy.

  “I’ll pick you up from self-defense later, ok? We can go have dinner somewhere.” He rolled his shirt over his head. Dinner with Lachlan sounded great to me!

  “OK, we’ll be at Rangers tactical. I think we get done around 3.” I was getting excited about my day of kicking ass, stuffing my face, and sexing Lachlan. I had much to look forward too. He nodded, taking in the information I’d relayed and grabbed his gun, tucking it into the back of his pants. I made a mental note to ask him about that later. I needed to know if I would be feeling and seeing guns all over the place.

  “Gotta run.” He leaned down to kiss me one more time before heading out the door. My body fell back on the soft bed with a smile. Lachlan, the dangerous man, was out taking his little brother to high school. It was comical but showed exactly what I’d always known. He was not a bad man. No evil would ever go out of his way, leaving a willing woman behind to help family.

  I looked over at the clock to see it was only six in the morning. I had a lot of time to waste before class and seeing Lach again. Feeling energized I hopped out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. I needed to pee and take a nice long shower.

  After feeling refreshed, I got dressed, and made a fruit smoothie to keep the day rolling, which actually went by pretty damn fast. I went to yoga class, and the school to do some routines that had been flooding my brain. After cleaning up and getting into another set of work out clothing, Nera picked me up at the house and together we went to our class.

  “I’m excited.” I beamed as we stretched on the soft mats. The teacher was a retired green beret, and had experience with how self-defense saved his daughter’s life. So he wanted to make sure everyone knew the basics.

  “So you and Lachlan are doing great now?” Nera asked while she reached down to touch her toes. I was in the mood to girl gab so I was happy she initiated it first.

  “I think we are, although he had some nightmares last night that could have been bad, but we made it through.” We were going to be ok. Nera came up and widened her legs to get a deeper stretch. She was almost as flexible as me. Impressive.

  “I can imagine, shit he’s seen.” She comments so matter of fact like. It made me curious, and even though I know the saying about the the curious cat, I couldn’t help myself.

  “Like what happened with you?” I prodded. I knew a little bit about the whole thing.

  “Yeah, that was intense. But my therapist thinks I am really coming through the whole ordeal. Thank God for Lachlan, like you, if he hadn’t of saved me, my life would be way different.” She walked over to take a sip of her water. Lachlan saved her? That was something new. I wanted to ask her to explain more but the instructor started the lesson.

  We went through the basics of stopping an attacker with a knife, gun, and unarmed. It was interesting to learn that no matter what way they came at you there was a counter attack to get out and get away. But not even kicking a guy in the nuts soothed the growing question in my head about Lachlan. I needed to know more. When the class was over Nera and I both agreed that we wanted to take another. We wanted to be completely proficient at getting away from any potential threat. I looked out of the glass doors to the studio and didn’t see Lachlan’s SUV anywhere so I voiced my thoughts to Nera.

  “I know you don’t know me that well, but I’m dying over here. When you said he saved you, what did you mean?” She looked at me in confusion and spoke.

  “Like how he got you out of that shit hole? He got me out of my stepparent’s house.” I was completely shocked by her statement. I had no clue.

  “I figured since you two were together that you knew what he does?” She was trying to get a read on me now, well good luck. I had no clue how I was feeling right now. I shook my head no.

  “I owe him my life. And whether he likes what I’m about to do or not. I believe you two were made for each other, and if you’re as serious as you sound about him I will tell you some information.”

  “I can’t have you do that. He could get super pissed at you!” I didn’t want to cause conflict between them. They had something that most people longed for, a special kind of friendship. She wrapped her hand around my wrist and pulled me off to the side, out of the way of anyone who could hear us.

  “Let me worry about that. Do you love him?” She was giving me the look that said she meant business. I nodded.

  “I always have.” It was true, and even though I knew I wasn’t going to like what she said, I would still love him afterwards.

  “Lachlan is a hired hand. Wolfe had him go in and get me out of my personal hell. He brought me justice and salvation. He is deadly, and fierce, but is the best man I know. If anyone can deal with the things he does. I believe you can.”

  “Enough!” Lachlan’s hushed tone from behind us scared us to hell. Busted.

  “Get in the car, Lily.” He barked at me. I looked at his face, he was pissed. But he wasn’t pissed at me. He was pissed at Nera. I did as he said but as soon as he got in the car it would be on.

  “You deserve more Lachlan. She is your more.” I heard Nera say to him as I walked out the door and got inside the black SUV that was waiting for me. Nera walked off to her car like she didn’t just tell secrets about a mercenary. She was sticking by what she said, and not even Lachlan’s evil glares could scare her.

  I watched as he stood there for a minute before getting in the car. He was silent and his movements were forceful as he started the car and took off.

  “I’m not afraid.” It was the truth. Even though I was probably not fully computing what Nera said about him, I wasn’t afraid of him.

  “You should be. Fuck, did you even hear what she said?” His hands were white knuckling the steering wheel.

  “Yeah, she said you were a hired hand and that you saved her.” He started laughing. It was a strange reaction to what I admitted. He turned off the busy street and took us away from Portree, out to the country.

  “Did she mention how I cut off a few of her step cousin’s fingers?” The blood drained from my body. He did what?

  “Yeah, soak that up. I also beat the shit out him and both of her stepparents. For every time that fucker touched her while she laid there, numb to the world. For every time she stood up to them and th
ey spat in her face.”

  I didn’t even know what to think.

  “Those shit stains who took you? Yeah, they all paid for that too. Still want to love a killer, Lily?” He was angry, but at who I wasn’t so sure anymore. I didn’t say anything, because right now I didn’t know what would come out of my mouth. I honestly didn’t know.

  “Shit.” He cursed.

  “What?” Alarms were going off in my head. He looked in the review mirror and back to the road.

  “Tighten your seat belt, and hold on. We’re being followed.” He put his foot to the pedal and faster on the open road we went. I looked behind us just as something broke the back window.

  “Oh my God!” I screamed and ducked down.

  “Stay down!” Lachlan called out to me. I was scared, holy hell was I scared. A gun fired and hit the SUV a couple more times, hitting the windshield, and the back seat. Whoever the shooters were thankfully sucked at the moment. Lachlan swerved the car back and forth as we were continuously being shot at.

  “Shit. Lily. Sorr…” Before he could finish saying sorry something exploded right to the right of us and the car took to the sky. I know we flipped and crashed landing upside down, but other than that I didn’t know shit. Was I even still alive? Does your body still hurt when you’re dead? I wouldn’t think so, things were supposed to be nice and peaceful.

  “Lily!” Lachlan shouted. I felt him hold me tight while undoing my seat beat. Nope not dead yet. Slowly my eyes opened to see his face marred by little cuts and blood. I’m sure I probably looked like that or more.

  “This is gonna hurt.” He warned as he did his best to get me out of the wreckage. I wanted to help him, but right now I felt like a limp noodle and was afraid to move anything out of fear of injuring it more.

  I heard some people yelling and car doors slamming. Then I remembered the reason we were in an accident in the first place, we were being shot at. I looked at Lachlan with wide eyes. We were about to die.