How You Get The Girl (Theme Song Book 2) Page 2
Her pussy would be tight, and would suck me in with every thrust. Her screams would be music to my ears; when I pulled out and flipped her around, her eyes would be wild with want. My hands would lift her up by that round, apple-shaped ass of hers, and I’d be back in her before she even tried to beg me for it.
Those nails of hers would be digging into my back, and her hot breath would be on my lips. Knowing her, she would probably bite my lip, or something that would cause a slight tinge of pain, but would also be my undoing.
Cum shot out from my cock, then began spiraling down the drain.
“Fucking hell.” My orgasm was strong, and I felt my knees start to buckle. My other hand shot out to hold myself up on the glass.
After the final spasms subsided, I just stood under the spray and thought about what I was doing wrong.
My fingers started to prune so I jumped out of the shower and dried off, throwing on a pair of swim trunks. I wanted to hit the pool when I made it back to the little bungalow I had rented for the duration of the movie.
The whole drive through the Hollywood night to my residence was filled with thoughts of what else I could do to win Alessandra over.
She wasn’t like most of the women around me. She was smart, and spirited. But she seemed closed off, for some reason, toward me. Aside from the whole thought that I’m a manwhore in her eyes, I couldn’t think of what else it could be. I was charming, good-looking, witty. But maybe she wanted the deeper side. Not the Hollywood heartthrob; the Joel that liked to surf and hang by the fire pit with Killian and his love, Livia. I wasn’t a big attention-seeker when I didn’t have to be. But with the job comes attention, whether you want it or not. Maybe that was something she didn’t like.
Shit, I wish I knew what it was.
As I parked my red-and-black Bugatti Veyron that Killian had delivered to me a few months ago, I tried to think of what Alessandra saw when she was around me. The Hollywood Joel, or just Joel? Maybe it was time I showed her what being with the real me would be like.
I walked in the house, threw my wallet, keys, and phone on the table, then headed straight for the water.
Chapter Three
All I could do was sit there on the couch with my head in my hands. It’s happening. And I didn’t like it.
“You should have knocked!” Jenson, my thirteen-year-old son, yelled at me.
“Well, maybe you should have turned on a light, so I’d know you were in there. Or geez, hung a tie on the door or something!” My voice rose as well. I tried so hard to get the image of my son jerking off out of my head. I was mortified. I knew it was going to happen at some point. I mean, he’s thirteen now, he’s going to be into girls, and his penis. We’d already had the talk years ago, but he wasn’t into it so much. But obviously things have changed. My little boy, with his silky black hair and dark blue eyes, that used to play with his action figures in the tub, is now choking the chicken in our shared bathroom.
“Shit, I didn’t know I was supposed to alert everyone when I wanted to do it.” Smart ass. I always wondered where he got that from. Not me, of course.
“Watch your mouth.” I lifted my head up and zoomed in on him with the mom look.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
He just stood there awkwardly, and I knew better than to make something like this taboo. The body wasn’t something he should be afraid of. I just don’t wanna know about it or see it. Simple.
“All right. Look, it’s okay, what you did. It’s natural. It’s just not something I want to see, you know? Do it in your room. Lock the door, or do something that gives me notice that you are not to be disturbed. Deal?” He nodded and walked away, probably feeling pretty embarrassed. I didn’t blame him. I wanted to take a big gulp of tequila and forget that whole scene.
I looked at my little wall above the TV that was full of pictures. Me and the kid, as he grew up. I had gotten pregnant with him when I was seventeen. It was a surprise. His dad was excited at first, but then once Jenson was born, the reality of responsibilities set in. He wanted to be an actor, and party, not have to take care of a kid all the time. Selfish. So when he made the move to Hollywood, I pulled up my sweatpants, and became both a mother and father to my son. We had a great life so far.
Our apartment wasn’t big. But it was home, and we liked it. Close to the beach, which Jenson and I loved. He had nice friends, and was at a good school. Things were good.
I prayed for years that when he hit that teenage stage we wouldn’t have problems and so far it was okay. He wasn’t giving me any more attitude than he normally did. He still dressed nice. Not hipster, or like a punk. Just jeans, a shirt, or sometimes gym shorts.
I wasn’t ready for this. I don’t think many parents are. I guess I should just be thankful I don’t have a girl right now. I was a pure handful, so that would be karma hitting me.
A yawn took over my face, and I realized how tired I was. Work was killer, being on my feet all day, then coming home to make dinner, and clean up the house some. I wanted nothing more than to take a hot bath, with a bottle of something. I heard Jenson’s favorite movie coming from his room and knew he was settling in for the night, too.
Deciding to take that bath, and chill, I went into my room and changed my day’s clothes out for my robe. Before heading into the bathroom, I opened the cabinet beneath the kitchen sink and grabbed the bleach.
I couldn’t sit anywhere in there right now without at least wiping it down. God knows how long this has been going on, and what it would look like in there if I had a black light. I didn’t wanna know.
Once the tub was as clean as I could get it, I started the water and waited for the little shower tub to fill up. It didn’t take long; by the time I placed the cleaner under the sink and grabbed the bottle of tequila, it was about done.
I tried to fit as much of my five-foot-eight frame into the water as I could. It was either leave my top half out of the water and have my knees covered, or bend my knees and slouch to cover my chest with water.
At least I could take a bath in clean water. I had a cousin back in Rio de Janeiro that didn’t have that luxury. So I smiled, and took a sip from the bottle.
“You, take those men to the warehouse; I’ll find another way.” An all-too-familiar voice echoed under the door, bringing my thoughts back to work despite my best efforts.
Jenson’s favorite character was one that Joel had played. He watched the movie all the time. Tried to be like that character—heroic, athletic. He even asked if I could start prepping him meals so he could bulk up like Joel did in the movie. That lasted all of a week, when I told him he had to eat lots of healthy proteins and lift weights. One slice of pizza on our movie night, and he was a goner. It was hard to avoid the thoughts of Joel,with his voice playing in my house.
He was something else, and I kinda was starting to like our little game with each other. Still, I wouldn’t have sex with him. He was all Hollywood. With his good looks and charm he thought could get him anything. For the most part, it worked. I just wasn’t falling for it.
The tequila was making its way home in my veins, fooling me into believing the water was warmer than it was. I felt calm and cozy. Bed was calling my name now. Tomorrow was going to be another long day of fighting off Joel’s idiotic attempts to seduce me.
Chapter Four
Morning came all too quickly.
After getting the kid off to school, and grabbing a yogurt parfait in the parking lot, I walked with my head held high to the trailer to get everything set up for today.
Kandi, the girl with the blue hair who did the costumes, was finishing up her choices when I opened the door.
“Morning,” I said politely. She wasn’t a super nice person, as far as I could tell. She just popped her bubble in my direction and went back to putting outfits together.
“Okay, then,” I mumbled under my breath and went to my station. Toda
y’s scenes were pretty easy. Well, for me. Joel was going to have to do some stunt fighting, which I found out he trained to do so he could perform them all himself. No stunt double in this movie. I was slightly impressed by the amount of work he put into these films. No one could say Joel Kline wasn’t a hard worker.
“All right, ladies, let’s make this mug into a hero.” Joel opened the door and held his arms out, like we were his fairy godmothers that were just going to wave a wand and fix him up to save the world.
I rolled my eyes, and Kandi just popped another bubble in her mouth. That had to exhaust her jaw muscles, chewing gum all day like that. I swear I never saw her without a piece smacking in there.
Joel made a face that expressed he wanted to laugh at her lack of response toward him as he walked over to his chair in front of me.
“Looking tired there, Lips. Long night?” He closed his eyes, ready for our routine. I cleaned his face, and started putting the right makeup on him. He needed to look a little bruised today, so I added nice blues, purples, and greens on his cheek.
“Just a little bit,” I answered honestly while focusing on my job.
“I’m sure you got chicks you can talk to, but I can be a pretty good sounding board, if you ever need to vent it out.”
I pulled back to look at him, to see if there was any hint of mischief in his face, but there was none. That was a genuine sentiment, and I was a little surprised by it, as simple as his words were.
Somehow, we spent our time at my station in peace. He didn’t make a pass at me, and even though my battle gear was on for it, I didn’t need to deflect him at all.
He left to change into his gear, and walked to set without a single flirt at me.
By the time our lunch break came, I was weirded out.
“Okay, what’s the deal? You’re not being your pervy self to me. Are you on drugs?” I looked into his eyes for some hint of why he was acting weird.
He let out a short laugh while making himself a plate of food.
“Miss me trying to bed you?” He smirked, and I felt better. He was still himself, just calmer today for some reason, thank goodness.
“Of course, not, I just figured if you kept all that cheesy energy inside, you might burst. And there would go my job. Can’t have that.”
He took a big bite of his sandwich, and walked back to his chair, leaving me standing there, still curious as to what he was up to.
I made myself a plate and went over to sit next to him. We ate silently, and then it was time to get back to work.
“How old are you?” he asked, breaking the quiet with a question. A normal question while I touched up his “bruised” cheek.
“Me, too,” he replied. I already knew that about him, though.
“Favorite food?”He asked another question.
“What’s with the twenty-one questions?”
“Just asking harmless questions, Lips. Maybe if we got to know each other a little better, we wouldn’t be pulling each other’s hair on the playground. Maybe we could play nice with each other.”
His reasoning made sense. Us bantering back and forth was starting to gain the attention of those around us. We could be civil. It’s what I wanted in the first place.
“Fine,” I sighed.
“Coxinhas. My mom’s recipe though.” My mouth watered, thinking about biting into one of those little fried balls of goodness.
“Never had them. I’ll have to check them out. I’m a pizza man, myself. Back in the day I used to toss pizzas during high school.”
I finished the final touches on his face and told him to open his eyes.
“So you’re a pizza tosser. Cute.” I giggled, trying to imagine him covered in flour, throwing big, stretched-out pieces of dough in the air.
“Oh, yeah, I’m a great tosser.” He smiled, and I laughed harder, shooing him off to do his job. I wanted to make some other jokes at him, but stopped myself. Joking was harmless, but letting myself feel comfortable around Joel was not. It would be too easy to let myself go with him if he kept this nicer side up.
Maybe I needed to find a man. Take the edge off.
I sat in my chair again and watched Joel fight off some warriors on set. He was being thrown around like he was nothing. The wires attached to his waist helped. But this was going to be an epic fight scene in the completed movie, for sure.
“Couple of us from set were thinking about going out to The Bean tonight. You wanna join us?” Kandi had snuck up beside me and at the sound of her words, I about jumped out of my skin.
“Jesus Christ!” My hand was over my heart, trying to steady the fast beat.
“Chill out,c hicarita.” She popped a bubble and watched the scene in front of us.
“Sorry, you just haven’t spoken to me previously, so it kinda felt like you shouted at me. About made me pee.”
“Yeah, I’ve been on the rag. You know how it is, makes you a little extra bitchy.” She shrugged. I guess I could see that. Ever since Jenson was born, my periods were a little more crampy than usual. And of course my hormones kinda went all over the place, too. So I get it.
“What time?” I could use a little fun. Jenson has been wanting to stay at his friend’s house. I could shoot him a text. He’d be thrilled, especially after last night.
“Eight. They have a pretty good set playing tonight.”
“I think I can swing it. Thanks.” I smiled at her, and she just nodded before walking off to one of the other people on set.
A night for adult fun was just what I needed. I watched as Joel’s shirt ripped open, showing off all his rippling muscles.
Definitely think I need to get laid tonight.
Chapter Five
My face was itchy as hell.
My fingers ran through the fake beard I’d put on so I could remain anonymous while out with the film crew. Nothing ruins a good time like being surrounded by a mob and cameras. I tended to do this whenever we were out during filming, which is why people still invited me out to chill with them.
“Anybody else coming?” I asked Mark, one of the sound boom guys.
“Uh, I think Alessandra and Tina are coming. Right, Kandi?” He looked towards Blue Pop. Kandi was her real name, but I liked my nickname in my head for her better.
“Yep.” She set her gum on the side of her beer, and took a sip, not once taking her eyes off the band playing ahead of us.
The Bean was a little coffee bar, but at night they had local bands perform. People could come hang out, nurse something stronger than coffee, and listen to the tunes. Very laid back setting.
“Hey, guys. Sorry, traffic was a mess.”
I looked up to see Alessandra setting her purse down and pulling out the chair next to me.
“Hi.” She smiled at me, not recognizing who I was. Interesting. It had been a whole twenty-four hours since I had riled her little feathers a bit. I wondered how long it would take for her to realize who I was.
“Hi. Randy.” I changed my voice to sound more like a cowboy.
“Alessandra.” She smiled and held out her hand to shake. I took her hand in mine and loved the way it fit perfectly. Even though I wanted to keep holding on, my fingers let go of hers.
All seven pairs of eyes at the table around us were watching my little charade with Alessandra. Some of them were curious; the others were about ready to burst out with laughter.
“I haven’t seen you around set; what do you do?” She was all smiles and niceness. It was strange for me to see her this way. Having a normal conversation. If she knew it was me, her walls would be up faster than a kid with his first titty magazine.
“I’m a tech guy.” Her head tilted slightly, like she was trying to place my face but couldn’t. I must have done a really good job with my fake beard, and chose a good hat.
“Cool beans.” She let whatever thought she had go and ordered a Corona when the waitress came over to get her or
der. Another girl who I’m pretty sure was Leighton’s assistant stole her attention, and I sat there thinking about how I could use this to my advantage.
Suddenly Alessandra’s phone started ringing My Hero by Foo Fighters, a song I knew very well. Considering it was the song that played when I saved the day in my last film. I was a super hero, and boy did I eat that shit up. Was she a fan of my work? More questions just kept piling up the more I was around her.
“Excuse me,” she told the table and took the call outside. I wanted more time around her, and even though stupid, to see whose ringtone that was.
“Hey, Mark, give me one of your cigarettes and lighter for a minute.” I kinda demanded them but he just shrugged and handed them to me. Everyone was over my charade, for now at least, they were just enjoying the show.
I stood up quickly and walked out to where I saw the apple of my eye talking on the phone.
Quietly, my arm pressed the door open so I wouldn’t disturb her. Playing the part, I put the cigarette in my mouth and lit it. I’d had to smoke for roles before, so the action was easy. Never got in the habit of it, though. It was purely a prop for me.
“Jenson. I will talk to you later about it, okay?”
Was he a lover? She never wore a ring, so it certainly wasn’t a husband.
“I love you, too. Bye.” She pressed the end button, and I turned my head towards the sky like I wasn’t just listening into her conversation.
“Oh, Christ on a cracker!” she exclaimed, jumping seeing me so close. It was sort of amusing, seeing her like that. Cute, really. I would have thought she would have ninja-chopped someone who scared her.
“Sorry, ma’am.” I took a drag and blew it out towards the stars.
“It’s all right. I was just distracted.” That smile grew on her lips, and she started to walk back towards the door. I started to panic, not wanting her to leave yet.
“It’s gonna work out, you know. You’re a pretty girl. Whoever he is, it’ll be good.” The words flew out, and I wasn’t sure what they meant.