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Blinding Lights (Lights of Scotland Book 2) Page 2

  “Lachlan.” Lily’s voice broke through my thoughts.

  “What’s up?” I looked at her, while her boyfriend gave her a kiss and walked out of the room. Weird.

  “You rescued me? How?” She was sitting up, waiting eagerly to hear my answers. Hmm, this would be interesting. She didn’t know what I did, it wasn’t something I broadcasted to the world.

  “You were taken by bad people, I rescued you. You’re safe now. That’s all you gotta know.” I told her. She pursed her lips but remained silent. I know she wanted to ask more, but knew she couldn’t push me. We sat there for a few minutes in silence, just staring into each other’s eyes.

  “Why?” Her voice was so soft, barely above a whisper. Her question was loaded. Why did I leave when she kissed me? Why I hadn’t I tried to contact her since then? Why? Why? I didn’t know what to say. Probably the only moment I would have been thankful for her having a boyfriend was right now. He walked in the door, so I didn’t have to answer her question. Her eyes were pleading with me, as much as I wanted to tell her, I wouldn’t. It was time for me to leave. She was safe, and being taken care of. I couldn’t infect her with my darkness any more. She would move on, maybe marry this guy, have babies. All things I could never do.

  “Alright, well Lily bug. You are well taken care of now. I’m gonna head out.” I gave her my best heart breaker smile. Hiding the pain of leaving her behind again.

  “You’re leaving me again?” She was hurting, it was all I ever did around her.

  “Bye bug.” I looked her over one last time then walked out the door. I got in the SUV and drove to a hotel. I grabbed my bag, got a key, and rented the cheap room. I jumped into the shower and washed the grime off of me. I didn’t let myself think of Lily. It only made my heart hurt, well what little a heart I had left. While the water ran over my back, I thought about what my next move was going to be. Take another job? Vacation? Get pissed at the bar? Go home? I thought about home, it had been about a year since I dropped in to see my family. We were still a close family, minus my oldest brother Roderick, he died when I was eighteen. Moving away from those thoughts, I decided going home would be a good thing. Christmas was in a few days, maybe Wolfe and Nera would be there. It had been a few months since I had seen my friend and my little warrior. She always rolled her eyes and demanded I told her what Laoch meant when I said it, she thought I was teasing her. It meant warrior. She was a warrior, after everything she went through she deserved the name. Why she hadn’t just looked it up on google was beyond me. Maybe she liked our game.

  I finished my shower and dried off, I turned off all of my devices, threw the towel on the floor and fell onto the bed. I was beat, and passed out quickly.

  I dreamed of her dancing. Her starlight hair flowing around her while she twirled. In my dream, she noticed me mid-spin. That bright smile lit up her face. She ran to me and launched her body into my arms. She pressed her lips to mine and I kissed her back. She was mine. We smiled and held onto each other like nothing else in the world mattered.

  When I woke up, I stared at the ceiling of the cheap hotel. I left Lily behind, again. It was the right thing; she has no clue what kind of man I was. If she did, she would run far away from me. I was dangerous. I could kill a man with a toothpick, if I wanted. You name it, I’ve done it. Things her pure heart should never be around. I rolled over and turned on my phone. I had a job request but it wasn’t until two weeks from now. Hmm, head home for two weeks, then go on the job. That would work. I looked over the details, it looked simple enough. I would mull it over again later. I had to set up a flight and head back to Scotland. But first, I was heading back to that shit hole. Some fuckers needed to die, like yesterday.

  Chapter Three


  The smell of fresh bacon and eggs woke me from my slumber. I rolled onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. The same ceiling I stared at in my youth wondering what my life was going to be like after high school. I think I was planning on being an officer of the law. That obviously didn’t pan out the way I had wanted.

  I killed all of those men that had a part in taking Lily. They deserved it. The other girls who hadn’t died were released and looked over by the firetrucks and paramedics that had been called. It eased part of my soul to know I had done some good by killing so many. There was no remorse in me, that wasn’t something you would find. I enjoyed watching the light leave those men’s eyes. I heard chatter downstairs and immediately my mood improved. I had snuck into my family’s home last night.

  One thing that has never changed in me was the joy of surprising my mother. I lived to make her shriek, then break out into those happy tears. I still like to scare her every once in a while, jump out behind corners, things like that. She was too easy. Although you would think with six kids, she would have had skin thick as a rhino. Nope, my mama was a big old softy.

  I got up out of bed, and stretched. My muscles were aching like hell. I grabbed a t-shirt from my drawer, tightened the strings on my sweat pants, and quietly snuck down the stairs. A big shit eating grin on my face. I listened around the corner of the hallway to see who was all in the room with her.

  “Ma, Ah want tae go tae Brandon’s today. That ok with ye?” My youngest brother Aiden spoke. I missed their Scottish brogue. He was twelve the youngest. He was an oops baby, hell I was 14 when he was born. But he was a cool kid. I had fun playing with him when I came home.

  “Of course, just make sure ye are back for dinner.” Mom replied. I heard the scraping of a few plates, some of the other’s must be there. Taking a short peek into the kitchen I saw mama cooking on the stove, Aiden was sitting at the table eating a big piece of bacon. No sign of Findley, Grant, or Pa. Truthfully, I shouldn’t have expected them here. They all had lives. Pa was probably at work, fixing cars. Findley was most likely with him. Grant was probably with his family, a wife and two twin girls. He was the oldest since Roderick died when I was 18.

  Well now was as great a time as any to shock Ma. Casually I walked into the kitchen and spoke calmly.

  “Smells good, Ma. Load me up with a plate will ya?” I walked up behind her and she shrieked while jumping in a circle to see me.

  “Lachlan ye shit head! What the hell are ye doing home?” She launched herself into my arms for a tight hug.

  “I needed a break, thought I’d surprise ya.” Pulling back, I kissed Ma on her brownish grey haired head.

  “I see a few more grey’s there, Ma. Aiden giving you a hard time.” I turned to my brother and winked at him. He just shook his head but walked over for a hug. I ruffled his hair as he let go of the hug.

  “Kicking ass and taking names?” I asked him, kind of my way of saying how’s it going. I knew it was coming but I flinched anyways. The pop to the back of my head from Ma was expected. I had missed this playfulness. It was a break from the killings, and pain. Ma went back to cooking and talking a mile a minute. I made myself a plate of food and listened as she told me about everything I had missed in the past year. Grant’s girls were on the soccer team for their school. I tried to imagine five year olds playing soccer but all I thought of was them chasing butterflies or running the wrong way. Pa and Findley were working on two classic cars right now. Restoration job, guy wanted them fixed up for a big show. Aiden was doing good in school, all A’s. “Such a sweet boy” She cooed. Aiden looked like he wanted to be swallowed up by the earth at her comment.

  “Oh, and we are going tae throw a party for Roderick’s 30th birthday, Ah hope ye will still be here for that.” She gave me the lip, and the puppy eyes. As much as I didn’t want to be here for that, I nodded yes. She got all giddy and started cleaning the kitchen. Ma was a stay at home mom, she worked hard keeping us boys in line, and taking care of the couple farm animals we had. I could tell time was starting to wear on her though. She looked like she was losing a little weight, her hair was more grey than brown, her green eyes were like mine, but were looking a little dull. It was unlike her. I looked at Aiden to see h
im playing on his phone, unaware if something was bothering Ma. It looked like I would have to figure some shit out while I was here.

  The rest of the day I helped Ma with whatever she needed, then went for a walk around the property. My family lived in the outskirts of Portree on a very peaceful nine acres. It was a little brisk but I didn’t mind the chill. I welcomed it to distract me from thinking about what was going on with Ma, or more to distract me from thinking about Lily. I had thought about how she was doing, were the drugs out of her system already? Then my thoughts drifted towards her boyfriend, which made me want to break his hands for touching her. So it was best if I didn’t think of her.

  Later when Pa and Findley came home, they were both surprised to see me, but quickly jumped into conversations about the new corvette they were working on. It sounded cool. Mechanics was never something I was into, Pa tried but it just wasn’t me. Ma had called Grant so he came over for dinner with his family. His wife Jenny, and the girls, Jenson and Jossilyn, seemed a little scared of me and ran to their dad when I waved hi. I figured they would come around eventually. Could kids see the darkness inside someone? If so, I was fucked at getting to know my nieces.

  It was nice to have everyone in the same room together. All my brothers except me and Roderick had taken after Pa, with reddish hair with brown eyes. We were all tall though, towering over Ma’s five foot three.

  By the time everyone had settled down and Grant’s family left to get the girls into bed, I was beat tired. I took a quick shower and collapsed on my old creaky bed. Not really having a choice, my mind drifted to sleep with thoughts of my starlight girl. The bright light that could never be mine.

  Chapter Four


  “I’m really sorry. You’ve been amazing, and I care for you a lot. I just can’t give you my heart, it’s never been mine to give.” I hated to admit it to Lance. He was an amazing boyfriend. We had been together for six months and he was great. He was patient, and didn’t care that I travelled a lot for work. I just couldn’t do it anymore. Not after seeing Lachlan, I wasn’t going to let it go any longer.

  “I get it.” Lance’s voice was sad but he looked at me, giving me an it’s ok smile. God I wished I could love him. My life would be so easy, well as long as his creepy brother, and crazy sister stayed away. His brother was a doctor and tried to see me in the hospital but I was like, meh no. He just wanted to touch me a little too much. And his sister was just a nut. But, that didn’t matter anymore. I would be grabbing a few of the things that I brought over to Lance’s apartment and going home.

  “I really am sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and grabbed my things.

  “I know we are broken up now, but if you ever need anything, or change your mind.” I smiled weakly at his words. Such a sweet man.

  “You’ll be the first person I call.” It wasn’t false hope. I just couldn’t tell him that it would never happen. I’d been in love with Lachlan since I first saw him when we were younger. He’d always treated me like a little sister, and while that hurt, I never let it stop me. That was until I tried for more and then he avoided me for eight years till the night he saved me. Even then he ran like I was one of the walking dead. But I was done letting him avoid me. If he truly didn’t want me then fine, he was going to say it to my face. But something inside me kept telling me that wasn’t the case. He loved me too, he was just too into his own self to see it.

  On the cab ride back to my apartment I thought about seeing him in the hospital. He was so different. The day before he left my world he was care free, a rebel, but always smiled. He would tease me all the time but would kick anyone’s ass if they tried to tease me. He and Wolfe were always so protective of me. It ruined any chance I had for dating in high school, which turned out to be good anyways. I always wanted him and it gave me more time to focus on my dancing. Seeing him in that hospital was like anything I could have expected.

  He looked dangerous. He had an edge to him that said he could mess you up for looking at him the wrong way. His face was harder, but it didn’t ease the flame inside me that burned for him. Oh no. In fact, I felt ten times hotter. Everything about him screamed, I’m bad news. But to me that was a siren’s call. I wanted him more than ever. Hence my reasons for what I was about to do.

  The cab stopped at my building, I paid the man and carried my stuff into the warm lobby and up to my apartment. I had a few calls to make, then booked my flight to Scotland. Clicking that button to confirm I had wanted to pay for that flight felt like I was making the biggest choice in my life. Bigger than when I had signed on with one of the largest dance companies in the world. This was a step towards the future I had dreamed of. My future with the man I loved. I would do whatever it took.

  Feeling pretty great about everything, I decided to go take a bubble bath and soak. My body was still feeling a little off from everything that had happened but I was better than yesterday, and the day before that. I knew I’d be ok. I started the water on my bath and shed my clothes. I lit a couple of the candles around my tub and pour into the bubble mixture. For an added kick, I scooped out a cup of Epsom salt to help detox my body. A moan escaped my lips once my body was submerged in the water. It felt heavenly. I slowly wiggled, letting my body soak in the warmth.

  My thoughts once again drifted to the dangerous man from the other day. He gave me nothing in his green eyes. No true warmth, no looks of disgust. Nothing. I wanted to see desire, and love in them. There were a few times back in our younger days, I thought I had seen it. And when he said he had saved me. How had he saved me?

  The doctors told me that I had been taken by people and drugged, most likely to be sold on the flesh market. I was shocked to find that out. I mean, I knew it happened, but you don’t really think it would happen to you. Thankfully after a full exam, the results showed I had not been raped or abused. Tears sprang free from me after that announcement. It was nothing I could have ever expected, but how in the world could Lachlan have saved me. I mean those were bad, bad people, with guns, and probably tanks for all I knew. I was so confused. I needed answers. I needed answers to everything when it came to him.

  I felt that smile of mischief lift my lips. I may be a dancer, and look sweet as sugar, but I was a hellion all on my own. Lachlan had no clue what was about to happen. All I thought about was he was going to get the holiday of a lifetime. I wiggled until I was under the water all the way. It was like all of those books I read. But instead of the man chasing the woman, I would be chasing him. This plan of mine was sounding better and better the more I thought of it.

  Once the water started to turn a little cold, I got out and dressed, then I settled onto the couch. I had one more call to make. I found the number on my phone and pressed call. It ringed twice before he answered.

  “Wolfe.” I smiled at his answer.

  “Aw, I’ve missed you too you. How’s my favorite rock star? Still whisking your lady around the world on your tours?” I heard him chuckle on the other line. Wolfe and I continued to stay friends over the years. I was hurting hard when everything happened with Alexis and the baby. I flew out to see him when it happened. He was devastated. I was a little worried when he had told me about Nera, she was fighting his affections for a while. I was worried he would get hurt again, but it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him. He had his soulmate.

  “She’s loving every minute of it.” He told me. I could see her rolling her eyes at his comment. She was a cool girl.

  “I bet. So I have some really awesome news, are you ready for this? I’m not sure you are.” I was practically bouncing on the couch.

  “Ah guess.” I ignored his lack of enthusiasm and told him anyways.

  “I’m leaving for Portree Christmas eve!” I screamed. I heard more chuckling on the other line.

  “Ah see, visiting the motherland for any particular reason. Besides visiting Nera and Ah?” Wolfe knew about my love for Lachlan, and he never ga
ve me any inside intel when it came to the man. But I tried to use him as a double agent on a few occasions.

  “ Have you talked to Lachlan lately?” I asked, curious.

  “He texted me a bit ago. Said he was in town. Why?”

  “I didn’t know if you had heard. Now before I tell you, you have to promise not to freak?” I guess I should have thought this phone call through more. Wolfe would freak about me getting taken. Nera was taken by her step-parents back when they first started out together and he went berserk. Obviously that worked out ok. I never knew how she got out, just that she did.

  “No, but yer gonna tell me anyways.” Figures. Well there was no turning back now.

  “I was taken, while on my way to Milan. I don’t remember any of it. They had drugged me and I woke up in the hospital. Lachlan was there, he said he had saved me. Then he left. I feel a lot better, and everything is ok. I’m ok. But I need to see him. I need answers.” I took a pause.

  “I’m also done waiting for him. I’m going to fight for him, Wolfe.” It was nice to voice my plan out loud. I waited for him to say something. But the line was quiet. Had I hung up on him accidentally? I looked at my phone, nope still connected.


  “Ye were taken?” His voice was hard. I bit my lip.

  “Yeah, but everything is ok. Did you hear that part? What about the part about me going after Lachlan?” I was trying to move away from the taken part.