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Page 14

  Phillip kept looking toward the door with a nervous look on his face.

  “Everything okay?” I asked, and he nodded. It was unusual for him to be so quiet, especially after our victory today. I was about to push the topic, but then the door slammed open, and a small form in a black hoodie walked into the open room. I felt Rose stiffen beside me, and saw Phillip freeze. This little person in the hoodie, black jeans, and Converse was a threat.

  “What the fuck, girl? You blow up an island, and don’t come by to tell me about it afterwards?”

  The voice confused me for a minute, but then the hoodie was pulled off by pale, petite hands.

  “Mina!” I grinned and got up to fist bump my girl. Her blonde hair was up in a messy bun, and her black eye makeup was on point.

  “The whole web is buzzing about the fort exploding. I tapped into the satellite and saw your dumb ass on the beach. Figured you’d come tell me the story, but you didn’t show, so I came down to eat and listen to you tell me.” She looked over at my tablemates with a cute grin, and I realized I hadn’t seen her in a while.

  “You ready to come meet the Society?” I asked and grabbed a hold of her hand, pulling her over to the crew.

  “This is—”I opened my mouth to tell them who she was, and who they were, when she gripped my hand tightly, like she was having labor pains.

  I looked at her face, taking in the shocked expression and wide eyes.

  “Aaron?” she whispered, and I followed her gaze to AJ, who was looking at her with complete bafflement.

  “Oh, God.” She let go of my hand and brought her fingers up to her mouth.

  “Mina?” AJ muttered in a stunned tone. Okay, I was officially confused here.

  If it was possible, both of them moved at the same time, arms open wide. They collapsed on the ground in a big embrace.

  “You guys know each other?” Rose asked, just as confused as I was.

  Phillip however, was grinning, watching them hug, like he had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and it was finally here.

  “You sneaky son of a—” I laughed. Phillip’s eyes moved from the two on the floor to me with a wink.

  “He’s my brother.” Mina was crying, while holding onto AJ like she couldn’t believe he was there.

  Brother? Mina, say what?

  “Okay, I think we are going to need to hear this story.” Rose read my mind as she spoke. I was so intrigued to hear about what was happening here.

  Mina and AJ pulled back to face each other, and she continued to touch his face, his hair, and shoulders, making sure he really was in front of her.

  We made some room so they could sit next to each other. The waitress took our order for pizzas, and then they launched into their story. Mina and AJ, or Aaron Jax, were brother and sister. Two years separated the two.

  Their parents were shitty, and didn’t like them playing with computers so much. They forced AJ to play sports, and Mina to take dance. They fought the kids tooth and nail to make them into something they preferred.

  The pizza arrived, and everyone took their slices as the sibling story continued.

  AJ’s cheeks blushed pink when the conversation moved into the topic of him being bisexual, but we all just smiled at him in return. No judging here.

  Their parents couldn’t handle having a kid that liked men too. So they tried to get the gay out of him, and his sister couldn’t stop any of it.

  He ran away a few years ago, becoming a hacker. Phillip found him and gave him a job. AJ had wiped everything about Aaron Jax, and became just AJ.

  Mina had been looking for him since he left. She left them shortly after he did, and started her empire. Two computer geniuses in the family, and their parents hated them for it. What a waste.

  “Now you guys have each other again.” Rose had a small tear trickling down her cheek. I can’t remember the last time I had cried.

  “Yep. Now you guys are never getting rid of me, as long as my little brother is around.” Mina grinned, wiping her running makeup away with a napkin.

  Everyone sat back, feeling full from the food.

  “You knew all of this, didn’t you,” I accused Phillip in a light manner.

  “Yes,” he answered honestly, and I heard Mina suck in a gasp.

  “How could you not unite us sooner? You made me wait three years before I saw my brother again?” She was angry.

  “Everything has to happen when it’s supposed to in order for the best outcome to happen.” He looked off toward the city behind us, and I couldn’t help but feel bad for him.

  “All the dots had to connect to get them together,” I added, merely just trying to understand him and maybe help the others, too. He nodded.

  Phillip found AJ, kept him safe and taken care of. Started the Society. I had to find Leon, and with Leon came the Society. So through me he would get Mina. But why focus on these two kids?

  They must play a bigger part that no one knows but him. Reuniting them was just the beginning. It was my only thought.

  I looked around, and then it was like I got smacked in the head. Leon and Charles still weren’t here. With the excitement of Mina and AJ, we had forgotten that they were supposed to be on their way. I pulled out my phone and shot him a text, checking in. Leon probably got caught up in conversation like we had.

  Lilith- You guys on your way?

  A minute later he replied. I smiled seeing his name, until I read the message.

  Leon- Step up, little bird, fly fast, fly alone. Come back to the place of your caged home.

  Lilith- I swear I will kill you if you hurt him.

  Leon- Then you better hurry.

  I looked up into the staring eyes of Phillip. He had keys in his hand, ready for me to take. He knew what was happening and knew I had to do it alone. I grabbed the keys and my purse and left for the door. I vaguely heard Phillip making an excuse for me as I walked into the cold air. I pushed the button on the key remote and a sleek black SUV’s lights flashed.

  The car was quiet as I drove out of the city, to the one place I never wanted to see again.

  The lights were on, and it looked just like it had when I left. Any damage from the fire I’d set off was nowhere to be found. Unfortunately it looked like the mansion everyone loved and feared.

  An immaculate prison. Coveted by the rich and paid for by the blood of others.

  It was large, but knowing Ezra and his cruel mind, I knew where they would be. This was between me and him, and Leon was now in the crossfire. I pulled out my music player from my purse and put the little buds in my ears.

  It was the time for this firebird to fly home and burn it to the ground.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  “I swear I will pull your body apart as slowly as possible once I’m free,” I cursed at the man standing in front of me.

  Ezra. Lilith’s old husband, apparently.

  “These chains were made for you; you can’t break them. Only this key will set you free.” He dangled a key that was attached to a small silver chain around his neck.

  I looked to my right at my best friend, bloody, his head hanging down. They’d beaten us both to broken, bruised, and bleeding men. Charles passed out a few minutes ago while Ezra’s man Yonny tortured him. I was glad he was out; at least he wasn’t feeling the pain right now.

  “You are not something I expected would happen with her.” Ezra grabbed the knife that he’d dug into my thigh a moment before and wiped it against a red cloth to clean it.

  “Well, I bet she didn’t expect her parents to sell her to a piece of shit like you.” I spat my bloody saliva to the floor. He laughed and set the knife down, leaning his body against the dresser.

  We were in Lilith’s old room. I felt rage just being in here, let alone hearing him talk about her like she was his precious toy.

  “We all do things we must in order to secure what we want. Normally I would not stoop so low to taking you and your friend. It’s child’s play.
But someone wants you on their team, and I get Lilith in return. A win-win for me. You get out of the picture, and I rise to a new level with my bird by my side.” His evil eyes left mine and smiled at what he saw behind me.

  “Perfect timing, little bird.” Shivers moved down my spine when he called Lilith that. The man was sick. Ezra spun me around so I could look at a large TV screen that had been on the whole time.

  Lilith’s form came into the view of the security camera as she opened the door. Shit. I knew he had the whole building ready for her. He wanted her, but he also wouldn’t let her stop him from getting rid of me. I prayed she made it to us in time. Charles was losing so much blood, and I wasn’t too far behind him.

  “Watch your wife slaughter all my men. There’s nothing like seeing her dance around, doing what comes naturally to her soul. We always had the best nights after she came back from killing,” Ezra whispered into my ear, and I lashed around in the chains, trying to get loose so I could break him in half.

  “Showtime,” he announced, and then all eyes went to the screen. Lilith was standing in the foyer, facing five men with guns pointing at her head.

  “I’m getting hard already,” Yonny muttered and I closed my eyes then took deep breaths.

  I heard the gunfire echo through the house as well as from the screen. My eyelids flew open to see Lilith doing some sort of choreographed dance that made her dodge every bullet that was fired at her. She reached over and grabbed a gun from one of the men that fell from a comrade’s fire. She moved with fluid grace as she shot one bullet per man, taking them all down.

  She was beautiful as she danced across the floor, listening to her music and grabbing weapons as she hopped over the bodies before her.

  No matter what they said, trying to goad me, it wouldn’t work the way they wanted. I didn’t hate her or change my mind about being with her. They, however, just kept adding to their list of how long I was going to take to break them.

  “Enchanting, is it not?” Ezra purred as they watched her climb the stairs, dancing like she was in her bird cage at work. It was something, but I wouldn’t call her shooting a bullet that killed a man for every step she took enchanting. Her body swaying, her eyes closed as she moved in the moment, was something I could never get over.

  “She’s getting closer,” Yonny warned, and Ezra waved him off, walking closer to the screen, completely mesmerized by her.

  She moved like the spy goddess she was, dancing, shooting, and then sliding to the ground in her skirt.

  I felt my vision start to blur as I watched her move closer to where we were.

  Mere seconds away from passing out, I took in her face one more time in case it was my last, before my eyes closed, and my head slumped forward.

  I don’t know how long I was out, but I heard Lilith’s maniacal laugh echo in my ears. My eyes fluttered open as best as they could with the swelling.

  “I always loved that mouth of yours, Lilith, but even I have my limits with your new spirit.” Ezra’s voice was tense as he looked down at a bloody-mouthed Lilith. I cursed and tried once again to move free of the chains.

  “That’s right; I love him, you sick fuck.” Her wide grin was completely covered in blood as she taunted the beast who roared then struck her beautiful face with the back of his hand. She spit the blood that pooled in her mouth at him, and he looked down at his red-splattered shirt in disgust.

  “He will be gone soon, and then you are mine—all part of the deal, bird. It looks like you need your wings clipped.” He rolled up his sleeves and rolled his neck.

  “Emanuel is dead; we killed him this morning, and no one is coming.” She kicked her boots at him but he was out of her reach.

  His laugh was sinister as he leveled her with a cool look.

  “Emanuel was nothing but a pawn in a much bigger board. You are fighting a game you won’t win against him. So I’m removing you from the losing side.” He sneered in my direction, and Lilith’s eyes met with mine. Her crazy smile turned into a sweet one.

  “Hi, honey.” She tried to wave but couldn’t, since her hands were tied to the chair’s arms. Ezra scoffed and turned to throw a cheap punch to my gut.

  “I bet right now you wish you hadn’t married this batshit crazy woman.” I looked at him with as much hate as I could.

  “No regrets?” he asked with an asshole smirk on his face. Maybe it was the pain that was radiating in my temples or his words, but a flash of Lilith asking me the same question with love shining in her eyes ran through my head.

  “I’d never deserved something so precious as you, Lilith. But I vow that I’m going to sew our broken souls together and protect the good remaining inside us,” I whispered, looking into her eyes instead of his. I said that the night we got married. I remembered that little scene before we kissed as husband and wife. Now I understood why she fought for us so much. I loved her, even then. I might not have been able to admit it, but now I got it all. Why I married her, why she married me. She saw the broken man in me and was willing to give me her heart to mend mine. As I would do the same for her. Two broken halves of a soul, made whole together.

  “How sweet,” Yonny laughed, and I heard Charles start to stir. Which was both a blessing and a curse. We needed to find a way out of here soon, or he was going to die.

  “Ezra, we both know I will kill you as soon as I get loose. You have nothing to hold over me this time.” She looked at the man with a glint in her eyes that promised death. Then she looked at me.

  “I was going to kill him when I left, but he signed the papers to give me my freedom, AKA divorce, if I spared his life, and I wouldn’t have to see him again. Liar.” She winked, and then went back to staring at him. Good to know she wasn’t married to him and me at the same time.

  “Enough!” Ezra shouted then turned toward his man.

  “Where is he?” He was getting impatient for the man who wanted me kidnapped to collect his prize.

  “I got nothing, boss.” Yonny shrugged, and that only made Ezra’s muscles tense more.

  “Leon.” Charles’s voice was faint as he looked at me. Shit. Blood was running out from the corners of his nose. I looked back at Lilith with wide eyes on my face. She had a calculated look on her face, but then smiled.

  “Well, too bad for you guys that the others are arriving now. So this little game is over.” She was bluffing. If the others were here, they would have saved us by now, and Ezra warned her to come alone. She wouldn’t have endangered them in this fight after this morning. Would she?

  “Then Yonny will take care of them.” He swatted the air like the thought of defeat was a bug to him.

  “Yeah, right, they are the strongest people in the world.” Her words only made him laugh.

  “Pretty sure you all have no idea who you are truly up against. The man would demolish anyone with a simple flick of his hand.” Ezra shook from the thought. Fear?

  Despite if she was bluffing or not, I was shocked as hell when Draco and Phillip did burst through the door.

  “Fine. If I can’t have you, then he won’t either.” Ezra knew he was done for as he grabbed the knife and drove is straight into my gut. The pain was unimaginable. Even when he tortured me with the knife to other body parts, this was nothing like that.

  Lilith was somehow free, and managed to get the knife from his hand with ease.

  “My bird.”He said her pet name to her one more time, looking into the eyes that would end him.

  “I’m a fucking firebird, and now you’re ash.” She uppercut the knife straight up his chin and into his head.

  His body fell over in a heap. Yonny was no better at Draco’s hands.

  “We’ve got to get him to the hospital. Both of them.” Phillip grabbed the key that was around Ezra’s bloody neck.

  My whole body was losing strength, and I didn’t know how much more time I had.

  “I love you, darling,” I told Lilith as she watched me with pain in her eyes. I hated seeing that look on her. She deser
ved to smile all the time. Tears broke from her eyes, and I wished I could have leaned in to kiss them away.

  “Call me darling one more time…” She shook with emotion, shaking her head. My vision was once again going, and I doubted I was going to come to after this blackout.

  “Darling,” I whispered then everything went black.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  I sat there beside his bed for four days at the hospital, not willing to move from the room until he woke up.

  The doctors did the best they could and it had been a miracle he didn’t die. The people who worked here were nothing but pure angels.

  “How’s he doing?” Rose came in, bringing coffee. Everyone had come in to check on him and Charles, who was laying in the bed next to him. They’d talk to him and keep me company. Neither had woken as of yet, but I would be here when they did.

  “Good. The nurse should be in soon to give them their next dose of meds.”

  They weren’t completely healed, but everything major had healed, and they were fine besides some bruising. It was nothing short of amazing.

  “That’s great. They are going to be all right.” She smiled and then walked out the door, mumbling something about going down to the gift shop.

  “Knock knock,” a male voice said as he opened the door.

  “Dr.Dorian, is everything okay? We were expecting Esme.” I looked at his tall frame. His brown hair was well kept, and his hazel eyes were warm as he looked at me then to the boys.

  “Esme will be in shortly. Mr. Griffin wants me to personally look them over again. Both seem fine as far as I can see. Their wounds have healed miraculously. Whatever is still keeping them under should dissipate soon.” He walked over to the machines they were hooked up to and jotted down some notes. The doctor was nice, but very short with words. He did his job and moved on.

  He gave me a goodbye nod then left.

  Esme, the sweet nurse, came walking in shortly after he left.

  She had reddish-brown hair, with hazel-green eyes. Freckles completely covered her face, giving her an elfish look. A very kind and quiet nurse. She smiled at me and went about checking their vitals like the doctor had before.