The Final KO Read online

Page 11

  He didn’t.

  Cue the happy waterworks.

  Arson brought my left hand to his shoulder and held the other in his before placing his right hand on my lower back. He took a step forward and I moved back. Slowly we took off to the words of “You and Me” by Lifehouse, the song we had danced to at the Gala.

  He wasn’t going to let me fall for him slowly, was he? I laughed. Arson wanted my love now and he was not holding back in his pursuit of my heart. Those happy tears brimmed my eyes and I tried to look away so he wouldn’t see how much this affected me, but he simply tilted my gaze back to his with our joined hands.

  He smiled and continued to lead us around the deck, just as flawlessly as the first time we’d moved together as one. Maybe I should have realized that night at the Gala that this was something different. He was turning out to be so much more than what I had thought. He was turning out to be the man he thought I deserved. I wanted him to be. I soaked in the feeling of having his love as we twirled around the floor and listened to the words of the music as if they were his to me.

  As the song came to a slow end, he slowed us and dipped me with expert skill. I was grinning from ear to ear as he pulled me back up. I didn’t have anything to say; I was once again rendered speechless. He knew what he did to me, knew my character better than some of my closest friends. I leaned in and kissed him, showing him my appreciation.

  “You are amazing.” I simply stated the truth; this man was amazing in every way.

  “It’s you. It’s all for you Princess.” His voice was low and held undertones of vulnerability. I still wasn’t deep in love with him yet, but I swore if he pulled out another romantic gesture like that I would be a goner. Even knowing that I wasn’t there yet, I knew I could never hurt him. I was addicted, and the thought of not seeing him created a pain in my chest. I did not like that thought at all.

  “Take me home, make love to me Arson,” I pleaded softly. At that moment I didn’t want hard fucks. I wanted to be owned by him, possessed by him. I wanted to just feel and let go. He nodded and I felt like I’d won a big fight. That night we would explore each other and could do as we pleased. We watched as the marina came into view and the tension between us was growing rapidly. As soon as it was safe to hop onto the dock we did. Arson gripped my hands and hauled me up onto his back. Arson Kade was giving me a piggy back ride. Best night ever!

  I giggled all the way to the car. Never in my life had I been treated like a beautiful, loved woman. I usually felt like one of the guys, the home girl, the fighter. I couldn’t wait to see how he made me feel that night.

  We raced home as safely as we could. The whole ride to my apartment I couldn’t stop looking at him. His hard muscles were flexed as he gripped the steering wheel.

  “You’re not making this easy on me Princess.” My eyes snapped up to his. He glanced my way and then turned back to the road. I didn’t wanna make us crash by giving him heated stares the whole way.

  He parked down in the garage and the whole elevator ride up we didn’t touch or talk, but the electricity between was buzzing, ready to be let loose.

  We made it to my door and I started to unlock it when the door behind us opened.

  “Oh good! Are you two ready to watch American Ninja tonight?” Franny’s voice did nothing to calm the burning I had going for Arson. I turned and looked at her. She was beaming at Arson and me in a knowing way that said she knew exactly what was going on. I grabbed him and pulled him into my apartment.

  “Not tonight Franny.” I winked and she smiled even more brightly.

  “Enjoy that one dear.” She winked back and went back into her apartment. I turned to look at Arson and saw that he was smiling at me, trying not to laugh. What could I say? I was a naughty, naughty girl and I needed to be spanked.

  “Oh whatever. Would you have rather spent an hour watching people hang from stuff or would you rather spend that time touching me?” I walked past him toward the bedroom. I knew he was behind me when I reached the bed. His fingers lightly touched my shoulder, sending a chill down my spine.

  “You’re unlike any person I’ve ever met.” His whispered words danced along the back of my neck. I bit my lip to stifle a moan.

  “Do you know just how perfect you are?” His fingers moved to the bottom of my shirt and slowly pulled it up. I lifted my arms to help him, then he dropped it to the floor as my arms went back to my sides. Warm breath caressed my back and soft kisses were pressed against my skin, making their way down to the waistband of my jeans. His hands moved around my hips slowly, then methodically unbuttoned them.

  Still moving at the pace of a sexy teasing turtle, he pulled them down and I stepped out of each leg hole. A hot-mouthed kiss struck my thigh and I gasped. He tongued me and moved up to my cheek, then did the same on the other leg. His rough hands palmed my ass, kneading them.

  “Ouch!” I jumped forward when I felt him bite me on my cheek. His hands gripped me back to him and he began to move his hands upward to the clasp of my bra. With ease, his hands moved to the straps and eased them down my arms until it fell to the ground. I was stark naked in front of him. I knew he was enjoying what he was seeing because I could hear his breathing getting heavier, full of want.

  Those hands reached around and cupped my breasts while pulling me back against him. His cock was hard and pressing into my ass. I pushed back, wanting to get even closer to him. His lips touched my neck and my head fell back onto his shoulders. It was one of the most erotic moments of my life and we hadn’t even really done anything yet. I was wet beyond belief, and I ached—god did I ache. My pussy throbbed, dying to be touched.

  “Arson,” I moaned softly. I was holding on by a thread. He nipped at my neck and then I was falling toward the bed—without him. I turned and looked at his silhouette made by the kitchen light that I must have turned on without thinking when I’d walked into the apartment. Oh well. I should have thought to turn on the light in the bedroom so I could see him. He hadn’t moved yet and I knew he was looking at me.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Welcome to UFC fight night

  Taking my chance I rolled over to the lamp and turned it on. When I turned back to look at him my sex quivered. He was looking at me like I was the very air he breathed, and at any minute he was going to lunge for me, ravish me. I knew I’d been drenched before, but I swore if he just moved an inch toward me I would explode. Fire and water were about to clash, and I didn’t know which would win. I was boiling as is.

  With his eyes glued to mine, he leisurely started to discard his clothing. I watched with rapt attention to his every movement. Only when he was naked as the day he was born did he finally move toward me. I waited for the explosion but it seemed my body wanted him to be with me at the finish line. Couldn’t blame it, I really wanted that too.

  His body finally covered mine and I was so ready to go. I reached up and kissed him, pouring every bit of what he made me feel into him. He kissed me back and nudged my legs apart. They spread oh so willingly.

  “Rayne,” he murmured against my lips and pushed into me. I cried out, and he moved hard but slowly. My legs and arms wrapped around him like a sex monkey. His hips moved and his mouth devoured me with so much passion, tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes. It wasn’t a race to finish hard, it was a marathon to feel heat and every touch. Our groans and moans surrounded us like a blanket. His thrusts changed into longer strides, but with just as much force, his pelvis rubbing against my clit with every movement. Holy shit. My release was quickly building. My body had no choice but to tense and prepare for the impending climax that was coming up fast.

  “Arson!” I wasn’t sure if I was pleading, begging, or just saying his name because he was making me feel that way.

  “Let it happen Princess.” Oh boy did I ever. I didn’t even think I could have held this back if I’d wanted to. My head flew back and I detonated. My mind went blank; there was nothing but the cosmic tsunami of pleasure that was crashing over me.
I vaguely heard his groans of release, but I was too far above the clouds to savor them.

  I came back to the present with kisses being sweetly pressed to my throat. I couldn’t say anything, there just weren’t any words. Arson must have felt the same way because he kissed my lips and eased out of me. He went to the bathroom to clean up and then returned to clean me. After all was done he crawled into bed with me and held me close. We laid there, at peace with this beautiful thing that was happening between us. It didn’t take too long before we fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

  The next week past in a blur of training, sex, and food—the essential needs in our life. The day before Arson’s fight we hopped on a private plane he had chartered as soon as we were showered and ready. It was going to be one epic adventure in Vegas. Arson was the main fighter in his event, and after he beat his opponent we were going out to celebrate his retirement. I knew he would win because honestly the other guy didn’t stand a chance. I had watched Arson train all week and he was a beast. Those dangerous vibes I had gotten off of him in the beginning were ringing true. In the cage, Arson Kade was a force that pummeled you.

  We got settled in at our hotel and decided to hit the strip before getting ready for bed. Arson needed his rest. He had to save his strength for the next day, which sadly meant I was holding back sex for the night. He pouted and I gave in, but not all the way—just a blow job and some pussy dinner, nothing too strenuous.

  The next day we were both amped. Arson was pumped and ready and I was feeding off his excitement. I knew the feelings you got before a fight. You had all sorts of emotions, but on the actual day they were like nothing else. I was so ready to see that smile on his face when he turned to me when he won. Don’t ask me how I knew he would, I just did.

  Somehow we had managed to avoid the paparazzi and everyone finding out about us. That night would be our big reveal; we would be out in the open from then on. I looked over myself in the mirror. I was wearing a nice pair of jeans and a white shirt I had made with Arson’s name in red on it. It was my equivalent of a jersey for him; I knew when he saw me in it he would go nuts, and I was excited to see his surprised face.

  My gaze left my outfit and ran over my hair and face. I had left my hair down in long waves and put on simple makeup, just enough so Cammy wouldn’t freak if she saw pictures of me. Heaven forbid I didn’t have any on, or had too much on. I was looking good and feeling even better. I was ready to get the circus of being out in the open with Arson out of the way. I shoved my ID and such in my pocket and set out for the arena that hosted the fight.

  Being who I was, it was nothing for me to walk backstage into the locker room to find my man. His hand was being wrapped by a physical therapist, while the other hand held his phone, which he was looking at. Neither one of them were talking, but there was some music blaring from an iPod station filling the room. I recognized the song, it was one I had on my training mix. It got your blood flowing, your energy pumped, and made you ready for a fight. I watched as his head moved slightly with the beat to the song. He was mentally preparing himself. My fighter.

  He must have sensed me standing there staring at him because his head flew in my direction. I watched as he took me in and when his eyes landed on my shirt, I got exactly what I’d been looking for. His jaw tightened and his eyes moved back to mine; there was fire and definite approval in them. I smiled and stayed where I was. It was more fun this way. He patiently waited until the PT slid the small MMA gloves on after wrapping him up, then he gave the PT all of two seconds to move before he dropped his phone and was up and moving toward me with a purpose. My smile widened when he reached me. I loved getting reactions from him.

  Our arms tangled, wrapping around each other. His lips descended and mine opened for him gladly. His kiss was full of passion; he was ready for this night. I could feel his energy flowing off of him and I loved it. This was our element.

  I pulled back and spoke first while he rested his forehead against mine.

  “I’m so pumped for you. You are gonna kick ass.” I told him, he stayed silent.

  “You okay?” I pulled back and looked at him. His face wasn’t one of a happy person; something was on his mind.

  “You know I love you, right?” I nodded. Why was he asking me that? He just nodded.

  “Arson, what’s wrong? I don’t want you to go out there with shit on your mind. Talk to me.” I willed him to open up. Going into a fight like his with clouded thoughts was not wise.

  “I just can’t lose you.” His voice was almost angry. My hands went to his face, caressing him, lifting his gaze to collide with mine.

  “Hey, it’s okay, I’m not going anywhere. You won’t lose me,” I vowed. I was addicted to him, and even if I hadn’t said it out loud, I was falling for him. He was everything I had ever wanted; it was too easy for him to make me his in every way. I wasn’t going anywhere. Arson looked into my eyes and saw my determination. I meant every word. He took a deep breath and leaned in for a kiss. This kiss was a soft one, not full of the fire like before, but more emotional. I heard the announcer say his fight with Leighton was coming up next so I pulled back and tried to lighten his mood.

  “Ok, you’ve got this. You can beat him, and to ensure you will win tonight, I have a surprise for you when we get back to the hotel room after you beat him.” I winked and dislodged myself from his grasp. His eyes perked up and badass Arson was back.

  “I like your motivation, Princess.” He took a step back and jumped up and down for a few seconds, then rolled his head around, stretching his neck. Coach walked out from the back of the locker room and called out for Arson. It was time.

  “I’ll be right there watching you baby,” I told him and that smile of his returned. Long gone were the issues that were bothering him. I wondered if he had seen something on his phone earlier that had upset him. Whatever it was, I hoped it was over.

  I went to find my seat in the front row. I wanted him to be able to look over and see me. I sat down and waited patiently. A few people who were close made comments about who I was and there were a couple folks who wanted some pictures, but the words I heard the most were “Look at her shirt! Oh my God are they dating?”

  I figured why not make a cannonball splash versus a little one. The seat to my left was empty and a big buff guy was on my right. He grunted hi, but that was all he said. Well at least I had a little room to move if that seat stayed empty. They were just taking care of a few things on the mat; any minute they would announce the fighters and they would get to enter the cage. I was practically bouncing in my seat when a scent of flowery perfume hit my nose as someone sat down in the seat next to me. I looked at the newcomer next to me with a smile.

  “Hi,” I said politely. She was a very pretty woman. She had brown hair that was straight and pulled back to the nape of her neck into a loose bun. She had to have been in her fifties, but realistically she looked amazing, like Angelina Jolie almost. Her lips were full and pink; I had a feeling they weren’t natural. Actually as terrible as it was to think this way, I didn’t think too much on this woman was nature made. Even with that being said, it worked and she was hot.

  “Hello dear.” Her face turned to meet mine, and looking into those blue eyes, a weird feeling coated my insides. She wasn’t being hostile with her two words, but I had a feeling she was observing me as an enemy. I didn’t like the vibes I was getting from her so I turned my attention back to the cage. The announcer had just stepped into the cage.

  “Welcome to UFC fight night!” The man’s voice boomed. He was wearing a blue tux and his grey hair was slicked back.

  “This fight is three rounds in the UFC heavyweight division! Introducing first, fighting out of the blue corner, a mixed martial artist holding a professional record of twenty-two wins, eleven losses. He stands at six feet, three inches tall and weighs in at two hundred and thirty-five pounds. Fighting out of Chicago, Illinois, the MGM Grand presents to you the number seven ranked professional heavywei
ght fighter in the world, Leighton Lyle!” Leighton was pacing back and forth on his side of the octagon. He looked fierce, that was for sure. The crowd was loud and cheering while I stayed in my seat. My thoughts left him when I saw Arson step up in the cage. His torso was ripped and on display; god I wanted to lick him. Seeing him in fighter mode was such a turn on.

  “And now introducing his opponent. Fighting out of the red corner, a mixed martial artist holding a professional record of nineteen wins and two losses. He stands at six feet, three inches tall and weighs in at two hundred and forty pounds. Fighting out of San Diego, California, the MGM Grand presents to you the number one ranked fighter in the world, Arson Kade!” Roars erupted all around me and I jumped to my feet along with them, screaming my head off.

  “Woo! Go baby!” I yelled, and his eyes found me. He smiled with his mouth guard in. It was cute—until he looked next to me and his whole face changed. He looked mad, livid even. My smile faltered and I looked at the woman beside me who held his gaze. She was looking at him with a knowing smile. I did not like that. Not one bit. When my head turned back to his he was looking at me. I sat back down and didn’t hear the rest of what the announcer said. My thoughts were on what had just happened. Who the hell was this woman?

  The next thing I knew the ref called fight on and Leighton was gunning for Arson. They danced around, Leighton throwing a punch then a low kick. Arson moved out of the way quickly, not letting him land anything. Suddenly he landed a combo set of punches to Arson’s face and then Arson pulled back and let him have it, punch after punch after punch. Leighton went to block when Arson’s leg came up and kicked him right in the side of the face. Leighton fell to the mat, out cold. It was a complete knock out in thirty seconds!